Chapter 7

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Sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time! Just a quick reminder that I only own Rin!

"Rin! Slow down!!" Naruto shouted as I dragged him around him the corner.

"We're late, you idiot!" I shouted as we turned the corner and we saw Sakura and Sasuke waiting for us.

"Sorry we're late!" I said as we stopped.

"You're good. Kakashi isn't here yet." Sasuke said arms crossed and leaning against the fence.

"Okay, thank God." I said dragging Naruto over to the bench.

"You know you guys are basically breaking the law, or whatever." I said after setting Naruto down on the bench and a moment of silence.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked.

"I'm not a ninja and Sakura, you told your mom that I'm a member of team 7 and I don't even know if I have chakra or not." I said sitting down on the bench next to Naruto.

"Well, there's only one way to find out-" Sasuke began.

"Rin, you have to have chakra! I mean, when you pranked me last night, I didn't notice you. You were that fast." Naruto said interrupting Sasuke.

"But, Naruto, you said you didn't sense my chakra." I said.

"Okay, Rin. Let's see if you do." Sakura said.

I looked up at her and she motioned for me to stand up.

"Let's see how you'll react if we put some chakra into you." Sakura said.

"Let me do it, Sakura." Sasuke said. "You might need to use more chakra than us."

Ouch.. That hurt. For her anyway.

Sakura hung her head and walked back to where she was standing.

Sasuke walked over to me and stood at least one foot away from me.

"Wait, so what would happen if she doesn't have chakra?" Sakura asked and Sasuke shrugged his shoulders.

"Great, so I might die by your hands, Sasuke. If I do die, I will haunt you forever and whenever you're sleeping, I'm going to whisper 'duck-butt' in your ear." I said. I better not die.. I want to go home still, but I like being with Team 7 and stuffs.

"Okay, let me begin." Sasuke said. he raised my arms above my head and I don't know what happened after that.


Naruto POV

Sasuke put Rin's arms above her head and started to put some of his chakra in her.

When he was done, she fell.

"Rin!" Sakura and I shouted and Sasuke stood there with his eyebrows raised. Probably the most emotion I've seen out of him.

"There ya' go, Teme! You killed Rin! This is your fault!" I shouted.

"No it's not! You are the one who brought it up!" Sasuke shouted back.

"Wait! Rin's the one who said she wasn't for sure if she had chakra and Naruto, you said that she did something that made it seem like she had chakra." Sakura said.

"Sorry I'm late. A black- What happened here?" Kakashi-Sensei said appearing on the fence.

Sasuke and I froze and I looked around. In between Sasuke and I was a fainted, or dead, Rin.

"Rin said she wasn't sure if she had chakra, or not-"

"Wait! It's both of you guys' fault! When Rin said that, Sasuke-teme said 'there's only one way to find out' and Sakura, you were the one who was going to do it before Sasuke was going to!" I said.

"Wow, Naruto. You actually remember that much?" Sasuke said smirking and I sent him a glare.

"Okay. I think I understand now." Kakashi-Sensei said jumping off the fence and he grabbed Rin from in between us.

"Well, it's time to take her to the hospital. So much for having a mission today thanks to some people." Kakashi-Sensei said.

"Wait, what?" Sasuke and I said at the same time.

"This is all your fault, Sasuke!" I shout at him.

"Hn." was Sasuke's only response.



Where am I?

It's dark.. Don't tell me, I'm back home. Without saying goodbye to Team 7? No..

"Rin! Wake up, Rin! Team 7 needs you!"

"Calm down, Naruto. She's alive. Can't you hear the heart monitor?"

Sakura! Naruto!

I tried to open my eyes, but failed.

Come on, you stupid eyes!

"hey look! Rin's twitching!" Naruto shouted.

"Shut up, you stupid Naruto!" Oh wait, I can open my mouth, but not my eyes!

Rin! You're alive! We thought you died." Naruto said jumping on me causing my eyes to fling open.

"You thought." Sasuke and Sakura corrected.

"Yeah, I thought you died." Naruto said.

"Oh. Well, what happened?" I asked trying to sit up, but failing since Naruto is on top of me. Oh wow, that sounded wrong..

"I feel like you should tell her, Sasuke-Kun." Sakura said and Sasuke crossed his arms.

Sasuke let out a quiet sigh before looking back at me.

"You were complaining about how you weren't sure if you had chakra and I shut you up by saying that we could see. I decided that I was the one to give you some of my chakra. After I did, you fainted."

"That's probably the worst way to put it, ya' know?" I deadpanned.

There was then a knock on the hospital room's door.

"Ms. Uhh.. Sorry, but what's your last name? It was never clarified." The nurse who entered said.

"Narakawa." I said giving her my last name.

"Thank you, Ms. Narakawa. I noticed that you're awake and how are you feeling?" the nurse asked walking up to my bed.

"Fine I guess. I feel the same as when I fainted. I just don't remember anything that happened this morning." I said. "Sasuke already told me what happened."

"Ah. Okay, well, let me do a quick check up."

The nurse turned to Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.

"Could you please leave while I'm doing the check-up? Only family is allowed to be in here during a check up."

Team 7 walked out of the room quietly.

The nurse turned back to me and then performed some hand signs.

"Ah, medical ninjutsu.. " I thought.

She placed her hands on my chest and her hands turned green.

"How odd.." She said under her breath.

"What is?"

"it's just that when you first came here, you had chakra, but now I can't sense anything. Well, I can but it's really faint."

"W-Whaa..?" N-No chakra? So, I'm just a normal person irl and in Naruto..

"It feels like there's a seal blocking your chakra flow, but you aren't dying from it.. That's the weird thing." The nurse said removing her hands from my chest.

I nodded slowly. So there must be something to unlock it..

"Well, your clothes are over there on the counter." The nurse said pointing to the counter before unhooking me from the heart monitor.

"Thank you.." I said as she left.

I'm just happy that I'm alive and I still have a chance to go home and stay with Team 7

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