Chapter 5

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(Hey guys and gals, just want to say, what he fudge? How in blue blazes have I gotten over 50 reads? I was scared that no one would read it. Well, I guess I was wrong. This story is not going to be as long as I hoped it would be, so not long till its the end. One other thing, can I have some feedback? I need to know if y'all like this or not. Well, on to the chapter!)

Chapter 5

"Oh no, what happened then." Jamie said almost jumping up and down on the bed.

"I woke up, in the hospital, 3 days later. If you want to know what happened in those 3 days, you have to get it from your father." I said.

I smile at Jamie and then feel something touch me shoulder. I turn and see Henry standing behind me.

"Were you spying on us." I said

"Well, ya. You still want me to tell part of the story?" he said.

"If Jamie wants to hear those 3 days I was out."

"Yes, I want to know." Jamie yelled.

"Don't yell, you'll wake the world." I say giving her the stare.

"Ok, sorry."

"It's fine, now I'll start when Sara came to get me." Henry said.


(Henry's POV)

I was sitting in my chair, talking with the family, and Sara comes and whispered something in my ear.

"I need to talk to you, privately." she said.

Before I could answer, I see Dan come up and grab Sara's arm.

"I need to speak to you, now." he said to her.

She started to walk, but turned her head to face Liz. She then nodded at her telling her something. Sara then walks away with Dan, with what it looks like, aginst her will. As she walks away, Liz sits down in her chair.

"Liz, do you have something you need to tell us?" I ask.

"Yes, but you're not going to like it. While we were in her room, she told me that someone got into her room and took the necklace." she said.

"Who, who is it." I say getting up

"That's the thing, it's our brother, Henry. It's Dan."


"Will you quiet down, we're inside." Marisa said.

"I think I know why he took the necklace." Liz said.

"What do you think that is?" I asked.

"I get a feeling between you and Sara, I think she is the other holder of the blue diamond. I think she might be your, well, soul mate. So, I think Dans jealous that she has you and not him. What do you think, Henry."

"Dan and I had that conversation this morning and he said that I should test her with my necklace. He must have found the necklace and got even more jealous, that's why, well, something happened this morning. I have to go get Dan away from her, she might be in trouble.

I know am angry. I start to walk toured the staircase, but am stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head and saw Liz's hand. I look at her and she has worried eyes. I turned the rest of my body to face her completely. She knows that Dan has always been a jerk and jealous.

"Liz, if I don't get Dan away from Sara, she'll get hurt. You might not understand the risks, but I do. Are you with me, to save your might soon to be sister." I say to her.

"Henry, I know she means a lot to you, but going after Dan while she's in his grip might put her in more danger." she said.

"So I'm guessing you're saying no, right."

"Henry, listen to me-" she starts.

"No, I'm going to get her away from him."

I turn back around and start to walk away, but I feel a hand on my shoulder again. Instead of turning around to face Liz, again, I yanked my shoulder away and kept walking. I'll save her with or with out Liz. I walk up the stairs and stop. Where could she be? I then hear the clomp of shoes behind me. I thought i told Liz that she can't stop me.

"I told you if you're not going to help me, leave me alone." I tell her.

"Who said I was going to stop you." she said.

"Are you saying you're going to help me?"

"Well, if you let me. First we need to find out- wait."

"What, what is it."

"Shhh, I hear something. It's coming from down the hall."

I walk over to the doorway of the hall and hear a thud. I walk over to where we heard it and stopped. Will she be in here or will she not?

"Was she in that room?" Jamie asks me.

"Well, wait and you will know." I said.

I put my hand on the door handle, when I hear someone speak. Dan.

"Now, sleep and forget everything that's happened these last 2 days. Forget all about the necklace." he said. What was he doing to her.

I turn the knob and bust into the room to see Sara, who looks to be unconscious, lying on a bed and Dan standing over her with a cloth.

"What did you do to her?" I ask with an edge.

"All I did was tell her that you aren't the one for her. I also to her to forget." he says with an evil grin on his face.

"You, you murderer! You killed her!" I yell.

"I did not kill her!" he yells back.

"Now I'd had enough of you." I lung at him. He tries to doge it, but I grab his arm. He loses his balance and fall to the ground. I pin him down and am about to throw a punch, when I feel someone grab my fist. I didn't notious that I was growling and breathing deeply till I stopped. I turned my head I see Lizy with a worried look. I turn back to Dan and let him go.

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