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"Master, please!" she pleaded, lying motionless on the ground, her eyes shut and her face pale and clammy. I pressed two fingers to her neck and detected a very faint pulse. I sat back on my heels and placed a hand on her forehead. I willed the Force to heal her and she began to stir. I lifted her up with the Force and carried her back to my ship. As I lifted of off the docking pad, Lymia began to scream. I reached into the Force and leapt out of the pilot seat. She was slipping away and there was nothing I could do to stop it. For the first time in forever, I felt completely powerless. . .

I awoke in a cold sweat, and rolled out of bed. I threw on a black cloak and walked out of my bed chambers and stalked down the halls of the Death Star.

It had been almost fifteen years since I had saved and helped Lymia disappear. I still remained in contact with her and she became my eyes and ears everywhere. I granted her the tittle of Emperor's Hand and she became the first to ever roam the galaxy. Currently, she was training a young woman named Mara Jade, who was showing great promise.

Anakin still believes Lymia is dead. The vision we both had about Padmé came true; she did die. Anakin was and still is devastated by her death and he channels this pain into the Force, making him unstoppable. Everyone claims Padmé died in childbirth and her child died with her, but I don't believe it for a minute.

I stopped in front of a huge window and stared out into the empty vastness of space. Quiet, light footsteps entered behind me and someone stopped just behind my left shoulder.

"Master," she murmured softly. I turned around and smiled.

"Lymia, I've told you that you don't have to call me 'Master.' Just Palpatine is fine."

She shrugged and shook her head slightly, twirling a deadly looking glass dagger in her hand. "Old habits die hard, I guess."

"It's really good to see you though. I do have a new mission for you and your apprentice though. I want you to find the child of Anakin Skywalker." She pondered the idea for a few minutes before she smiled and nodded.

"Of course, Master," she said, smiling as she tilted her head forwards and backed out of the room. I watched her until she had disappeared out the door. I was so proud of her. She was just as strong as ever, and she still used the Force. I couldn't have asked for more. I smiled and turned back to the window.
Lymia's POV

I sneaked stealthily through the halls of the Death Star, moving as quiet and as fast as a shadow. I stopped in one of the many docking bays, and started up the ramp of my ship. My apprentice's fiery red head of hair appeared over the top of the co-polit seat. Her brillant green eyes swept around the ship before she relaxed.

"The master wants us to track down the offspring of one Anakin Skywalker. Up for the challenge?" She grinned widely and slid into the pilot seat and flew us out of the Death Star. I grinned and I knew our adventures where just beginning. .


Well, that's it! I so thankful for the support I've received while writing this short story. I would like to dedicate this whole book to AtaliLaqua02, who supported me and encouraged me to keep writing. Thank you! ❤️

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