Chapter 14

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And we did, we lived next door to my uncle bilbo and uncle thorin, we visited them a lot, we had 2 beautiful boy children called George and Sam, speaking of which, Sam was married to Rosie and George was married to Jasmine, we hadn't herd much if Harry, but last we heard was that he was living in a house with five other men, and every so often he'd be badly beaten up and have to go to hospital, to be honest I did feel sorry for him so I asked him to come live with us until he got on his feet, I'd forgot about our past, my motto was forgive and forget, he had really changed he was nice and well mannered, maybe it was being beaten up but I didn't care, I lived happily ever after.

End of story!!!!

Thank you for reading, sorry if you found chapter 7 a bit weird and gross, but I've finished this so if you have time could you please comment on what you thought about it overall. Thanx xxx

High school days (Frodo Baggins)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin