Chapter 3 - Information

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Kat's face turned beet red and he worried that he had embarrassed her.

"Oh um thanks," Kat replied shyly turning back to Macey and Bex.

Dempsey smiled to himself, glad that he made a move even though out of the corner of his eye he could see the glare he was getting from Zach.

Just then, a long black hummer limousine pulled up to the curb where the six kids were standing.

The driver stepped out of the limo and made his way around the long vehicle towards Hale.

"Mr. Hale," The man nodded at the boy.

"Marcus!" Kat nearly squealed.

"Miss Bishop," Marcus nodded at Kat, with a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Kat looked almost longingly at the old man she had grown so accustomed to. She had really missed him this past month.

Marcus opened the back door of the limo and let everyone in.

"To the beach house Mr. Hale?" Marcus asked once he was seated back in the drivers seat.

"To the beach house," Hale replied.

As Marcus pulled away from the curb, Hale took one last glance at his favorite restaurant and did a double-take.

A family was standing in front of it. But what made him look twice was the teenage girl with the family.

She looked... different from the rest of the family, but that wasn't what kept his attention on her.

What kept his attention was the fact that she was staring straight at him.


Though the car ride was long and fairly silent, Zach decided that it it wasn't an awkward silence. He felt like everyone was getting their heads together for what he knew would probably be a fairly intense discussion. He was getting his head together too, especially because he was sort of the 'ring-leader.'

As everyone piled out of the spacious limo, Zach couldn't help it as his jaw dropped a little at the 'beach house' Hale owned. It wasn't a house, it was a mansion.

There was a large pool on the front of it and it was two stories high, the entire second story had a balcony.

Zach looked around and seemed to be the only one looking at it in slight shock.

"Nice place Hale," Macey smirked as she followed Marcus into the house.

Dempsey followed closely behind her, not giving up the opportunity to look at her backside. So much for the guy who was flirting with Kat earlier.

The crew followed, almost in a single file line, Marcus as he opened the door and ushered everyone in.

"Let's go into the study," Hale beckoned for everyone to follow him.

The study was a large room with a few big bookshelves, a personal desk, and a large table that could seat right people.

"Sit," Hale gestured to the large table.

"Oh and Marcus had all the luggage taken care of so don't worry about it," He continued.

Hale then walked over to the small desk and tapped a button on it. Immediately, a screen came down on the side wall.

"Flash drive?" Hale looked at Zach.

Zach handed him a small dark green flash and Hale plugged it into his computer. He then dimmed the lights and took a seat next to Bex.

"Go ahead."

"Okay," Zach rubbed his hands together, "Julia Einheart."

"She started as an intern with the CIA when she graduated from high school. Julia graduated with a 4.5 GPA and an extensive amount of community service hours. Apparently she liked helping people. Julia was very talented while working as an intern and had great physical and communicational skills. Eventually, the CIA noticed her talents and once she turned twenty-one, they employed her. She was first employed as a Clandestine Services Agent and then around the age of twenty-eight they let her do some work abroad as a Protective Agent," Zach read what was on the slide of the power point presentation.

"Yes Macey?" Zach acknowledged the girl with her hand up.

"According to the picture she's a fairly petite woman, but she had great physical skills around the age of twenty. Where did she get training?"

"Doesn't really expand on that," Zach said, going on to the next slide that contained more information.

"About three months ago she disappeared. Basically, she was wiped off of the face of the planet. The CIA was of course worried, but didn't put much emphasis on it because she wasn't particularly a top secret agent," Zach continued.

Kat watched and listened intently as Zach delved more into details about the woman's services to the CIA and she couldn't help but drool a little. In the dark light his muscles were more defined in his fitted black tee, and he was very much in-charge of what he was doing.

"One month ago," Zach said a little loudly, breaking Kat's thoughts, "There was a theft at a small museum in Belgium. It was small but the person that did it was a bit sloppy. The cameras caught Julia and since then the CIA has been after her. She's stolen from over five different museums or castles, each theft more skillfully done than the last. She got good."

"How are they sure it's her?" Hale interrupted.

"She's got an ego," Zach stated bluntly, "Julia signs the places where whatever she stole was hung or displayed with bright red lipstick."

"This seems very bloody interesting," Bex said with a slight smile.

"It will be," Zach replied, "Her most recent theft was in Minsk, Belarus at the Natural History and Culture Museum."

"I'll have the jet here by tomorrow afternoon," Hale suggested.

"Sounds perfect," Zach complied.

"Well it's late, I'm tired, goodnight," Macey stood up from her seat and shimmied out of the room.

"Yeah, same," Kat said, following after Macey.

Soon everyone had left the room and was heading to bed.

Once everyone was gone Zach sat down and looked a few slides back on the presentation. Macey's question was valid. Why was she so physically trained? Zach knew there was no way he was sleeping tonight. Especially since he couldn't get the image of a girl he had seen at the restaurant with what seemed like an ear comm out of his head. He wondered if anyone else had noticed her.

note: don't forget to vote & comment!

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