Ch. 24 - Johnny

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I'm lying down on Nadia's bed with Nadia. She takes out her laptop and begins searching for a science fair project ideas.

"How about this one?" Nadia asks me, pointing to the laptop screen. "Plant population density?"

"Nah. Sounds difficult." I say. "Can't we just make a volcano?"

"No. Everyone makes volcanoes." Nadia says.

"Duh, because its easy!" I say.

"How about this one, then." Nadia says. "Capillary Action of Water in plants? It says here its easy."

"Fine." I say.

"Ok. Here is what is says." She says, reading the info off the website. "Have you ever heard someone say, "that plant is thirsty" or "give that plant a drink of water"? We know that plants, and even bouquets of cut flowers, need water to survive, but have you ever thought about how the water moves within the plant? In this science project, you will use colored water and carnations to figure out where the water goes."

"Yeah. Cool." I say, bored. "You hungry?"

"Johnny! This is not-" Nadia starts.

I shut her up, putting my finger to her mouth.

"Shhhh" I say.


"No buts" I say. "We're going to get some food."

"Uhh. Fine" Nadia says. "But only if its Chipotle."

"OK!" I say. "Let's go get some Chipotle!"


"OK! Let's get started on this science project!" Nadia says after we have finished eating. "I was thinking we could-"

I groan.

"Can we just watch a movie or something?" I ask.

"What? No!" Nadia says. "I'm starting to think that you're doing everything you can to get out of this project"

"I am!" I say. "You know I suck at science."

"No you don't"

"Yes I do!" I say.

"Anyway. We have to do this project. And we have to do it good, otherwise we'll fail."

"Sounds good to me." I say.

"You want to fail?!" Nadia asks me horrified.

"I don't want to, but I always do so I'm pretty sure this time isn't gonna be any different."

"Well, you have me." Nadia says and she puts her hand on mine.

We sit in an awkward silence.

"And you know that Nadia Turner does not fail at anything"
Nadia says.

I laugh nervously.

I had a funny feeling it wasn't the science project she was talking about...

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