The Sinister Hunter

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I mewed my eyes by thew
And grasped the green view.
White the cosmos is;
A snowy milky silver case.

But, thumped my heart in me:
'Black's all this white, you'll see.
Black: I want to know; and bow.
There I want to grow; and glow.'

And then was I exposed
To the truth of Black, placid.
How sour was the White I saw!
How sweet is the Black, braw!

How did that happen - my fall?
'Twas thee who did appall;
Thou who hadst Amber eyes;
Thou who hadst the scent of snakes.

Betwixt thine twain hands
Was a vinous grail of sins
I harked at thy gars:
'It's the Sin of Sincerity, iwis!'

Enticement. Seduction. Lure.
My soul wanted to abjure.
But, when thy did adjure,
I was swayed by calenture.

Thine alacazar hast pseudo frills.
On it's hatch, charming abigails.
Thine eyne: seducing men's sinew.
Thine scepter, frailing the crew.

Thy hast the Sinister Grail.
Thy leads men to thine rail.
Thou art the Hunter;
The Hunter of hands proper.


Want a glossary? I wanted one
Thew custom; usual habit; muscle or strength

Green view fresh (first) view

Braw colorful

Appall horrify; alarm

Twain two (archaic)

Hark listen (archaic)

Gar mild oath

Iwis certainly (archaic)

Abjure  Formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure

Adjure Ask for or request earnestly

Calenture A name formerly given to various fevers occurring in tropics; esp. to a form of furious delirium accompanied by fever, among sailors, which sometimes led the affected person to imagine the sea to be a green field, and to throw himself into it

Abigail a lady's waiting maid (archaic)

Eyne eyes ( archaic)


Dedicating this piece of work to a dear loving sister, (Hihi)  anna_anabeth_28
She is wonderful and an awesome writer... (Her Infinity occupies a space in my library and I always wait for updates)

And, remembering your responses of Who Am I too. The best comment yet, as for me, was that of atroXity 's ... And Crazyrak too put forward an amazing Comment; a comment which still remains in my head.
These two are great writers, and I recommend their works if  read long stories or novels 😋😃

'Who am I?' is a poem yet to come in the following chapters.

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