Meeting The Bad Boy

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I pushed my hair off my face and froze as he stopped and looked at me. I felt my body quiver as his dark black eyes burned into me. I licked my lips as I stepped backwards and his eyes followed the movement. Why was he looking at me? With his looks, he shouldn't be even wasting a single minute on me.

His black hair was long and black, reaching his neck. His eyes were dark black and I could see them clearly as I was standing close enough to the crowd. He had a stud in one of his ears and wore a pair of faded jeans, black t-shirt and a leather jacket.

He slowly started to walk towards me and I realised that I had been staring. Quickly turning around, I ran towards the office building, not stopping until I reached it. I close my eyes and felt wetness between my legs and gasped. What was wrong with me? I never let anyone effect me like this.

'Yeah, but you would very much like to fuck him' A voice said in the back of my mind and I pushed it away. I composed myself and shook my head once again. I shouldn't be attracting attention, not when I am still running away from my worst nightmare... I couldn't put my family in danger.

I walked inside the office building and was greeted by old women behind the desk.

"Hello dear. What's your name?"

"I am Olivia Miller. I am new" I said handing her my form to her and she quickly typed something into her computer. She turned to look at me and smiled widely as the printer printed something.

"Here is your timetable, school map, locker number. I am Mrs Johnson. If you need anything just ask me and welcome to Emerson High" {A/N- I'm not sure if Emerson high exists. Just made it up}

I smiled at her hesitantly and quickly left the office. I walked around with my face stuck into the map, as I tried to find the locker room. I bit my lips as I noticed that the corridors were almost deserted, I was late.

I decided to make my way towards English, it being my first class and saw that the locker room was just across it. Letting out a happy scream I ran towards it, but stopped as I heard some noises.

"Fuck Hunter. Fuck me harder... Yes! Oh Yes... Just like that. HUNTER" Macie's voice rang through the corridor and I stopped hesitantly. I don't think this was a good time. I timidly leaned forward, so that I could get a sneak.

The guy called 'Hunter' was the same guy who was on the bike today morning. He was sitting on the bench, with Macie on his lap; skirt pushed up, top open and was slowly moving. I gasped as he bent forwards and licked her nipples, still riding her.

Suddenly he stopped and turned around, connecting his eyes to mine. I scrambled back and fell onto the floor. Quickly getting up, I ran towards the English class, trying to forget whatever I saw.

I ran into the class and noticed that everyone was seated. The teacher stopped to turn and look at me and let out a disgusted sniff.

"Who are you?" He snapped and I flinched back from his gaze. The teacher looked like he was in his early forties, with white hair and a snobbish face.

"I..uh... I am the new student. I got lost" I said pathetically and heard people laugh. I lowered my head in embarrassment and then froze as I felt a presence behind me. The entire class stopped to laugh and I looked up to see all of them looking behind me. Confused, I turned around and froze as my eyes collided with his black ones. It felt as if no one was around, If it was just him and me. I felt the sticky wetness once again and felt my nipples harden, licking my lips I tried to look away but he kept a hold on me.

Suddenly his eyes darkened, if that was even possible, as he took a deep breath and grounded his teeth together. I watched fascinated as his hands turned into fists and he growled a low deep growl. I felt myself become wetter if possible and blushed. "If you don't stop with those thoughts, I'll just have to throw you on one of these desks and lick your pussy dry" he whispered leaning towards me. His words snapped me out of my haze and I jumped back and turned towards the teacher.

"Ms Olivia, you can take a seat. Don't be late next time" The teacher spoke up clearing his throat as he took my slip. I nodded and turned to look down on the floor as I made my way towards the back of the class, ensuring that there were no empty seats around me.

I licked my licks as I thought about his words and felt my body heat up. Only if he could suck me dry. I gasped as I pushed the thoughts aside and pressed my thighs together, the wetness soaking my panties.

I turned to look back in front of the class and noticed the teacher and Hunter speaking to each other. Hunter nodded and turned to look at me as he made his way through the class. I blushed as his earlier words rang through my head and looked down at my desk, flipping open my textbook.

"Get Up" The voice sent shivers down my spine. Husky, honey flavoured, deep and throaty. A voice that just spoke sex. I raised my head hesitantly as I thought he was speaking to me, but he seemed to be talking to the guy next to me.

The guy looked at him scared and quickly scrambled out of his chair, running away from Hunter. Hunter chuckled a bit and sat in the chair, looking at the teacher. "What? Are you waiting for my fucking permission to start?"

I let out a startled noise as the teacher fumed and sneaked a look at Hunter, only to find him watching me. I turned to look back at my desk and shifted my hair on my shoulder, so he couldn't see me.

"You will be mine. Soon, Olivia" He whispered and I shivered as I felt his breath on my ear. I let out a moan as he licked my ear lobe. Pulling away, I pushed myself away, blushing furiously. Why was I letting him affect me this way?

'Cause you want to fuck him and suck him dry, just like he will do to you'

This time I didn't correct the voice.

I walked back home, still thinking about Hunter. Today was pure torture. He was in three of my lectures and wouldn't leave me alone, but I saw him fucking girls in the bathroom and even the hallway. It was as like as if everyone was scared of him. But I couldn't let him attract me. Not when I was supposed to keep low.

I just hope I can resist him.


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This is just the beginning. But this story is going to be fuck hot!!

In Love With The Alpha Bad BoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ