UsUk- bedroom

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*England's P.O.V*

     I walk down the hallway in my socks, a union jack t-shirt, and some sweatpants. I'm currently looking for my American boyfriend, who seems to find joy in hiding from me. I didn't even threaten him! Ugh, why Alfie...?

*America's P.O.V*

     I'm currently hiding from my English boyfriend in our room. I wonder why he hasn't checked here yet. I'm wearing my awesome Superman shirt, some baggy sweatpants, and my super cool glasses. Hehehe, he'll never suspect this.

Ooh, Iggy...

-3rd person-

     Arthur was really getting tired of Alfred's antics, which always made him miss Sherlock, Merlin, or Dr. Who is some way. Alfred was waiting for his hot British boyfriend to fall into his trap, which was quite well planned. Alfred shifted under the bed, but became super still once he heard the door creak open. 'I bet he's in here. Why didn't I think of it before?' The Brit thought to himself. Arthur slowly crept into the room, while Alfred's breaths were settling. Arthur looked around the room in confusion, just as his American boyfriend literally glomped him from behind. "Hey, Arthur, how is your day going~? Alfred whispered in the Brits ear seductively. "Ooh, no, Alfred, I won't a-a-allow this to- Oh!" Arthur moaned out. The American smirked, his plan was going smoothly. Oh, his boyfriend's voice was music to his ears. Alfred turned Arthur around, and captured him in a nice, sweet, kiss.

Sorry if this is short, I just didn't want to get to far into this~
Huhuhuhuhu, I bet France could've helped me~

Anywhore, I'm gonna go write the next fic, which will probably be a Russia x drunk!Reader, so, yup...

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