Chapter 11

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"Ugh, Louise!" Tina groaned, sweat dripping off her brow. "I can't pull you much longer!"

"Yeah," Gene said, panting and heaving. " For a tiny girl, you're surprisingly heavy!"

"Sigh," Louise was on the sand, looking up at the clear blue sky with dreamy eyes and a dopey smile. Tina and Gene had their hands on her ankles, pulling her to their destination: wherever the heck Logan is. "Isn't Logan amazing?"

"For the fifth time, yes," Tina said hatefully. She let go of Louise's ankle and fell on the ground. "I can't do this anymore."

Gene belly-flopped onto the ground. "Me either. She's gonna have to walk herself."

Daryl walked over to Louise, waving his hand over her face. Louise acted as if nothing had happened, continuing to look up and fantasize about Logan.

"She's in a dream-like state. How do we get her out of it?" Daryl asked. Suddenly, Talia walked up from behind Daryl, frowning.

"Like this," she said coldly. She then raised up her hand and slapped Louise across the face. Everyone gasped as Louise's head jerked back by the force of such a hard hit.

Talia gasped with her hands over her mouth, realizing what she just did.

"Oh... oh my gosh! L-Louise I'm so sorry luv! I didn't mean to... uh," Talia babbled, sitting down on the sand and covering her face with her hands.

Louise looked at her, her eyes now filled with concern and a hand mark on her face. She scooted over towards Talia, who now seemed to be crying. Gene and Tina looked at each other and walked away, both of them realizing how sensitive the situation was.

"Talia," Louise began to say, looking down at her shoes. "I'm sorry this is all... happening. I don't want you to be hurt."

Talia lifted her hands off her face, which was now covered in tears. "I... really lost my chance with him, didn't I?" Louise continued to look down, starting to feel even more guilt. "I mean, how am I supposed to compete with you?"

Talia let tears fall into the sand as she remember what had happened between her and Logan.

(Flashback - the morning after Logan and Louise's kissing lesson)

Talia rested her head on Logan's shoulder as they watched the sun rise over the ocean. She sighed peacefully, fully content with her life. She slowly twisted her head up to look at Logan.

He had one hand wrapped around her waist tightly to pull her small frame closer. His smile was so goofy that she couldn't stop herself from giggling. When he heard this Logan snapped out of trance and turned to Talia with a puzzled look on his face.

"What is it?" Logan asked quizzically

"You look like such a dork right now" Talia giggled again covering her mouth

Logan blushed but also chuckled a bit on hearing her British accent. It was just so adorable.

"Oh really?" Logan smiled looking down at her

"Yes you really do" she said lifting one of her slim fingers up to lightly poke him on the nose

"Do you know why?" Because I feel like the luckiest guy in the world" Logan smiled

"Logan...." Talia looked down as she began to blush wildly "Stop it...."

Logan lifted her chin up with his free hand. Seeing her beautiful face stare back up at him made his heart skip a beat.

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