Chapter 1

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The Belcher family were hurrying too and fro as they packed up the rented mini bus with everything they will need for their outing to the seaside. Bob was carrying his suitcase to the vehicle when Gene raced past and knocked him down to the ground.

"Ow!" He cried as he clutched his knee. "Gene, what are you doing?"

"Sorry dad but I need to be quick or I won't be able to fill up this mini bus with all my necessary gear." He replied, dashing back into the restaurant.

"How much song writing can you possible do?!" Bob yelled back.

"Don't worry about him." Linda cooed as she appeared from inside the bus wearing a comically large hat and sunglasses, a deflated beach ball tucked under her arm.

"That makes me worry more..." Bob muttered.

You see, the whole reason why they were going on this trip in the first place was because the kids had, more or less, forced them to with the damage they had caused on a particularly hot day. Having enough of the tremendous heat, the kids decided to create an indoor pool to cool them all off and the only way to do that was to turn on all the taps and let them overflow. Of course this wouldn't of been a problem if Bob and Linda were there since this operation would of been shut down immediately, only the two had left for the grocery store when the kids sprung to action. Coming back they found the restaurant had turned into the Poseidon Adventure and their children sitting outside on the sidewalk, absolutely drenched.

When asked why on Earth they possibly thought this was a good idea, Louise responded nonchalantly that they didn't think water could go through doors.

That had been a couple days ago and it had was hell to try and repair the restaurant, it getting to the point now they had to take this trip to stop Bob from exploding with stress. After all, having a week off while the repair people worked on fixing their drowned mess should be quite nice considering everything. At the family meeting, when they decided to go to the beach, there was a decision to allow the children to invite their friends to come along with them. Their parents had finally conceded when they reasoned that the beach house would be so huge that they needed some extra life around.

"Ok kids! Time to go!" Linda shouted to the children.

It was ten minutes later that everyone was actually ready and on the bus, off to pick up everyone else. They would of set off earlier if it hadn't been for Tina, Linda and Louise ALL wearing the exact same sun dress and if Gene hadn't forgotten his precious keyboard. After all that struggle they were actually off and there was no turning back now. Only problem was their choice in vehicle, even though it was big enough for everyone and their luggage it had clearly been passed between people ALOT. There was dents in the sides, cracks in the windows, chairs were torn apart, gum was everywhere, radio didn't work and, possibly worst of all, the air conditioning was broken. It was a 4 hour journey and they hadn't even gotten everyone but still the family had began to sweat. Squirming in her seat Louise spotted all of the little doodles and graffiti covering the bus. On her arm rest she spotted, in very neat handwriting a note saying

You look nice today!

Louise scoffed when seeing this and pulled out her pen with a mischievous smirk on her face, crossing it out she write in big block letters


She chuckled a little "This is going to blow someone's mind"

Time skip 30 minutes

The battered mini bus finally rolled up to the shopping mall car park in which their friends would be waiting. Quickly the family spotted the individuals they were looking for, it was quite a group to behold. One member made Louise audibly groan.

VacationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora