Chapter 12: Found Out

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Kageyama's POV:
"Kageyama!" Hinata called as he ran up to meet me at our meeting point.
"Oi, dumbass. Its Tobio when we're alone."
"Sorry Tobio. Old habits die hard." He said rubbing the back of his neck. I notice the hickie that I had left there.

"Shoyo....I think they're going to find out about us today."
"What?! Why?" He practically yells.
"Did you forget about Friday night, dumbass?! Because your neck sure hasn't." I huff back. How can he be so stupid sometimes.
His eyes widen at the realization.
"Why did you have to leave marks?" Hinata whined.
"You didn't seem worried about them at the time..." I mumble, remembering the somewhat embarrassing situation. He didn't say anything back but his cheeks did turn a nice red. We walked silently for a bit as we were both in thought.
"Well..." I finally start, "I think we have two options." Hinata looked eagerly at me.

"First option is you lie about it....but I don't know if you'd be able to pull that I think everyone already has their suspicions about us." He seemed to agree that that option probably wouldn't work.
"Second option is we just tell them. That way we avoid any confusion or rumors." Hinata seemed conflicted about this option, not to say that I wasn't either.

On one hand it would be nice to just tell them, neither of us had any fear that that part would go badly, I think our fear lies more in what they will do if they know. As far as picking on us, as teammates do, nothing malicious just embarrassing....very embarrassing. I mean Suga already....

I think maybe we should give them a little show, maybe we can embarrass them instead. I don't think Hinata will go along with this so maybe I'll just make it happen.
"Why don't we just tell everyone before practice?" I asked still concocting my secret plan.
"Since they're going to see the mark anyways, no sense in putting it off I guess."
"A-alright," he nodded. He seemed a little dazed, or shocked maybe. Either way he wasn't looking his usual self.
"Shoyo. It's going to be alright. We both know that they won't care about us dating. The only thing they might do is tease us. But don't worry. I'll be right beside you the whole time."
He nodded again and seemed to be a little better, but still not a hundred percent.

Ah, well at least he's a little better.
I grabbed his hand and walked extra close to him the rest of our way to school.

We were the first ones to the gym, as usual so we started to set up the equipment.
"I'll get the net," I say walking up behind Hinata as he was about to start putting it up.
"O-ok." He stuttered with a nervous tone.
"Are you really that nervous about telling them?" I ask forgetting about the net.
"I...I don't know....I guess so.." he looked like a nervous mess.
"Why don't you go sit down...try to calm down a little." I started to gentle push him towards the wall so he could sit down.

I finished setting up the equipment by myself. I kept looking over to Hinata to see if he was doing any better, but it didn't look like it.

I walked over to in front of him and kneeled down so our faces were at the same level.

"Shoyo..." He looks up at me, still looking just as nervous as before.
"Mm," he answered with a small fake smile.
"Do you trust me?" I ask. He nodded.
"Good." I lean in and kiss him. It was just a short kiss, I just wanted him to understand that I was there for him. I seemed to catch him off guard but he accepted the kiss.

When I started to pull away he tried to lean forward to keep the contact between our lips. His face started to turn red. I'm guessing he was a little embarrassed by his actions.

I love it when he blushes like this, he's just too cute. I start to blush a little at my thoughts. But I grab Hinata's face and pull him in for a more passionate kiss. This time he wants it and doesn't hesitate at all. It was starting to get a little heated and I pulled away a little to admire the boy in front of me.

"Guess the King has a queen after all," Tsukishima smirked.

We started, Hinata's face was nothing but shock and embarrassment. I turned to look at the intruders. It was basically the whole team.
I stood up quickly and faced everyone.
Suga walked towards me with a big smile on his face.
"Is there something you might want to tell us about?" He asked still smiling.
"A-ah, yes!" I shouted. Everyone's eyes were on me, and while I wasn't nervous before I definitely was now.
"Hi-Hinata and I"

"Ha! I told you Ryu! Now pay up." Noya yelled jumping towards Tanaka.
Tanaka grumbled but started to get his wallet out.
"Now, now boys," Suga started, "we can do that later with everyone else."
I was still trying to get my bearings but started to catch on to what they were talking about.
"You took bets on us?!" I wasn't sure how to feel at this revelation, angry or amused.
"We could all tell something was going on between you two, we just couldn't decided if anything had actually happened yet." Yamaguci explained.

I think my jaw dropped a little and I definitely started to blush some more. They could tell there was something between us? I didn't think we acted any differently than before and we always made sure no one saw us doing anything.
"H-how did you know?" Hinata finally found his voice.
" know. The way you look at each other. It's not that hard to figure it out." Daichi spoke up this time but glanced to Suga for confirmation.
"Mhmm," Suga agreed.
I looked over to Hinata who was still sitting against the wall.
The way we look at each other? Can you really figure it out from just that, from just a look? Hinata seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"Well...anyways let's get to practice. Were going to go late tonight now because we're starting late this morning." Daichi commanded us.


"Shoot are you alright now?" I ask Hinata as we're walking home from practice.
"Yes. I actually feel a lot better now that everyone knows." His eyes gleamed a little and that wonderful smile of his was on his lips.
I pulled him over a little and kissed him.

We walked in silence for a bit, which was a little strange for Hinata, since he usually talked the whole way home. I looked over at him and he looked like he was thinking about something.
"What's wrong?" I finally ask.
"Hmm? Oh nothing. I was just long do you think they suspected us? Did they know before we did?"
"Who knows. I don't think it really matters now. Since we are together."
"Mm" he hums in agreement and he gives be a huge smile again.

The only thing that matters to me now is you, I think to myself, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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