Chapter 8: Morning Sunshine

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Hinata's POV:
I started to wake up feeling warmth all around me, I could tell that the morning sun was shining through the window even before I opened my eyes. I decided to lay there for a bit just enjoying the warmth....why was I so warm and comfortable. I tried to move a little but was stopped by something. My eyes shot open and I saw an arm around me...Kageyama's arm around me.

I quickly pulled myself out of his grasp, trying to remember how this had happened. I then remembered last night, we had ended up sleeping in his bed together. But when we went to sleep his arms were definitely not holding me. Although this wasn't all that surprising really, because this was actually a fairly regular occurrence when we slept next to each other...even if we were in different beds. I remembered the last training camp we had gone to and my face started to heat up.

I looked back to Kageyama, who was surprisingly still sleeping. He looked...nice, no.....relaxed, no.......beautiful. I started at my thought. Beautiful? Is that really what I just thought? Why would I think that, isn't beautiful a word you use to describe feminine things? Kageyama is anything but feminine with his broad shoulders and all his wonderfully toned muscles...
I wonder what it would be like to feel all those muscles.... or for him to....

NO! Stop it Hinata! Those are weird thoughts to have about your best friend, even I know that.

But I can't seem to stop them.

I laid back down covering my face with my arm trying to calm myself down. The blush that I had formed didn't seem to be going away, and the more I tried to stop the thoughts the worse they got. How does he have this kind of effect on me? I uncovered my face and turned to face him.

The more I looked at him the more I really did think he was beautiful and I found myself moving closer to his face. My heart started to pound even harder and I stopped when I was a couple of inches from his face. I just laid there staring...admiring him for awhile.

He started to move and his eyes fluttered open. He didn't even start or seem confused to see me just inches from his face, he just seemed to take it in and accept it.

"Good morning," he said groggily.

"G-good m-morning," I stuttered my reply. Even if Kageyama wasn't confused about anything, I certainly was. Why didn't he move away? Or the better question, why has he still not moved away?

I felt him move, pulling me from my thoughts, and his hand found its way to the back of my head pulling me into his chest. I resisted a little.

"Just stay...for a little longer," he said as he buried his face in my hair.

Kageyama's POV:
I wasn't quite ready to get out of bed yet, especially if it meant not being next to Hinata anymore. I buried my face into his hair as I pulled him closer to me. I could tell that he was confused about my actions, but at the moment I really didn't care. I was holding the one that I love in my arms.

As I held him, I started to realize a few things. For one, why had Hinata been that close to me when I woke up? And right now, why did it seem like he was actually enjoying me holding him? Does this mean that....

His arm moved around my waist. I pulled away so that I could look at him, but he kept himself almost curled up in my chest. I gave up trying to look at him and just enjoyed this new feeling of us holding each other.

We stayed in each other's arms for a lot longer that I had initially expected, but we needed to get up.



"We should probably get up now."

"Mm..." neither of us moved, though and we continued to lay there.



"Why does my heart always start to beat really fast when I'm around you....or think about you?" I start a little at his question, but don't move away from him. My brain starts to move a hundred miles an hour. Does this mean that he likes me too? Is he messing with me? I must have taken too long to make a response because he starts to talk again.

"It's just that...Suga told me to ask you about it. He said that you would know what it meant and could tell me." He pulls away a little but I can't get myself to look at him. Now my heart is beating really fast and I know I am blushing a lot.

"Kageyama....can you tell me what this means?" He asked quietly and I could tell he was looking at me waiting for some kind of answer. I force myself to look at the boy in front of me. He looks so innocent. How can I tell him that he likes me? Even though I now know that my feelings are at least reciprocated on some level, I still can't get myself to tell him.


"It means," I cut him off, "It means that...well..." he looks at me expectantly. Damn, this is hard. I had a hard enough time working up the courage to tell him my own feelings, but to tell him his feelings. How do you even go about doing that?!

I let out a sigh. Well here goes nothing...

"It means that you like me....and not in a friend way." I decided to be blunt about it.

"B-but how do you know that?!" He seems almost frantic, but it's now or never to get this over with and out there.

"I only know because the same thing happens to me when I'm around you."

"So, that means... that means..." I can see the wheels turning in his head. All of the sudden his eyes go wide and he sits up abruptly.

"That means we...l-like each other...l-like like each other..." I slowly nod to confirm his conclusion, but I can tell he's still figuring something out.

I wait patiently for him to figure out whatever it is, partly because I want to know but also because I don't know what else to say to him. After awhile he seemed to relax a little.

"What do we do?" He asked directing his gaze to me now. His question caught me off guard and I froze.

"It's just that if we both like each other..."

"LOve!" I practically shouted then quickly clapped my hand over my mouth and my face turned bright red. I hadn't meant to do least not yet. Hinata looked a little shocked.
"I-I mean, I love you, not like you," I corrected in a whisper. Hinata's shocked expression didn't change for a few moments. Then he looked down so that he wasn't looking at me but I could see a blush on his cheeks.

"If we l-love each other, does that mean we're...we're dating?" Now it was my turn to be shocked. I wasn't completely sure but it seemed like Hinata had just indirectly told me that he loved me too. And did he just ask me to be his boyfriend?!

"D-dating?" Was the only thing I could get myself to say.

"I didn't mean... it's just that... isn't that what's supposed to happen?" He was definitely frantic now.

"YES!" I yelled, half trying to confirm his assumption before he got the wrong the impression and half agreeing to be his boyfriend. We sit in silence, neither of us looking at the other.

"Kageyama..." He said timidly. I look up when he says my name, but his eyes are not on me.

He looks at me all of the sudden.

"Be my boyfriend!" He practically commands me with a blush on his cheeks. I can't seem to form words so I just eagerly nod in agreeance.

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