Chapter 3: Arrangements

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Kageyama's POV:
Once again they put my futon next to Hinata's. Suga was very set on us being next to each other. I think he's planning something. I was getting my bed set up when Hinata decided to show up. He had disappeared after practice, no doubt to hang out with Kenma. Thinking about that put me in a bad mood. Why do I even care if he's with his other friends instead of me?

Hinata noticed me and bounced over. Does he ever run out of energy?

"KAGEYAMA! Kenma showed me this awesome new game. You go 'VROOM,' and 'ZOOP!!'" he yelled excitedly waving his arms around.

"Mm...." I mumbled, in a bad mood now because of my thoughts. I don't think I can deal with him right now, so I get up and start to walk away.

"Were you even listening?! Where are you going Bakeyama?" Hinata yelled after me. I just can't deal with him right now, I need somewhere where I can think for a little bit. I don't even answer him and just keep walking, I feel everyone's eyes on me now. Tch.

Suga's POV:
"Hinata, what are you two fighting about now?" I say as I walk up to Hinata who is pouting while fixing his bed.

"He never listens," Hinata said puffing out his cheeks. I sigh, alright time to be his mom.
"Let's take a walk."

Hinata's POV:
"Let's take a walk," Suga said as he walked out of the room, I scrambled after him.

"But Suga I didn't do anything! Kageyama is the one you should be talking to." I whined as I continued to follow Suga. He stops and turns around to face me.
"Hinata, we've talked about this." He says almost sternly. I look down and start to blush a little remembering that conversation.
He continues, "Have you not said anything to him yet?"
"Are you going to?"
I'm getting flustered at this point and start to wring my hands.
"....y-yes." I half whisper.

"Good," Suga says with a finalized tone. "Just remember that that's just how Kageyama is, and remember what you told me about him. I just know that it'll work out." Suga smiled and patted me on my shoulder before going back to the rest of the team. I stood there for little bit to process the conversation.

Wait....Am I really going to tell him?! Why did I tell Suga all this in the first place?

I start to head back to the rest of the team, my head is down while I am still thinking. I'm about to turn into the room, when I look up and Kageyama is standing right in front me and startles me a little.

Kageyama's POV:
I had gone to the bathroom to splash my face with some water to calm myself down. I was headed back to the team when all of the sudden Hinata was in front of me. We both looked at each other, staring. His eyes captivated me almost instantly. He looked away first and seemed like he was blushing. Hinata turned quickly into the room and dove into his blankets burying his face in his pillow. What was that about?

I walked over to my bed and sat down. Looking over at Hinata.

"Oi, idiot. I'm s-sorry I yelled at you earlier." I said. He slowly peeked over at me.

"Mits....k." He mumbled in his pillow still looking at me. I could see one of his brown eyes staring at me. Why have I never noticed his eyes before? They are....captivating. No, there's a better word to describe them. As I'm thinking about this I am still staring at him, and he moves so now his whole face is visible, and he's starting to look confused.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asks, moving a little closer to me. I move back to avoid him.
"I was just....t-thinking." I quickly say. He moves away and flops back down into his pillow.
"Well, alright. Goodnight Kags."

I stare at the now sleeping boy, in disbelief. Kags?! Since when has that nickname become acceptable. I look down the row of beds, I was on the end. Everyone else was already sleeping accept Daichi and Suga, they were whispering to each other and looking at me. I sighed, not Suga again. I flopped down on my back into my bed.

I just couldn't seem to fall asleep, I just kept thinking about.....well Hinata. It wasn't even anything specific about it him....just him. And then I kept sneaking peeks of him while he slept. He was not a peaceful sleeper, he seemed to constantly move and flop around. But once he settled down he just looked so...... AHH! Why can't I figure out what I'm thinking?! Why does he make me feel this way? Whatever this is. I look over at him one last time, and just take in the way he looks. It calms me....if I don't think about it, if I just enjoy his presences. I feel sleep creep over me.


I start to wake up hearing voices around me, they're kind of hushed whispers and snickers. I start to make out what they're saying...

"How did they end up in this sleeping position?" Daichi asked seemingly to no one in particular.
"Who knows." Suga said with a sigh.

Who are they talking about? I start to wake up a little more and take in my surroundings. There's hair in my face so I go to move it out of the way and my arm has a weight on it. I instantly open my eyes at this point and see hair?

"Hinata! What the..." I try to move away even a little but can't because he practically laying in top of me and our legs are tangled together. He starts to wake up, looking up at me with sleepy half closed eyes.

"Why are you yell...." He starts before fully taking in what's going on. It's then that I realize he had been clutching my shirt because he let go and flung himself off me.

"Wai..." I start to tell him to wait but catch myself. Why did I want to stay in that compromising position with him? I start to blush and look over to him and our eyes meet, and he looks almost scared. Probably because I yelled at him. But then he starts to blush like crazy. I'm drawn from thoughts when I hear muffled snickers.

"Looks like the king and queen slept well." I heard Tsukishima say with that smirk of his. And Tanaka and Noya can't seem to contain their laughter and are now rolling around on the floor. Suga shoots them a glare and they shut up.
Why did this have to happen AGAIN?

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