other side of the screen

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It's okay
Because I know when I walk into my room with tears streaming down my cheeks that I'll be smiling
The second my headphones click in
And I tap the play button
Your laughs and pointless games
Take me far away
To an alternate world
Where people who are crying can actually be wearing a real smile at the exact same time
And no one will ask them what's wrong
And no one will tell them to suck it up
They just fill you up
With a glass full of happiness
No questions asked.
It's perfect because they distract you from society
They distract you
So that pain doesn't have to
They pick you back up
So that you love what you do as much as they love what they do as soon as possible
They care
Even if it doesn't feel personal
THEY care
THEY are there
And they thank me?
Why are you thanking me for pressing buttons when I should be thanking you for saving lives
Not all heroes wear capes
Mine wear headphones
and that's OKAY
because then I feel strong like them
When my headphones are clicked in too

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