Lets Repaint the Walls of this Apartment

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chew lip raw and limp over my tangled tongue
Sitting on the bathroom floor bare
Seeing if the cold tile compares to the sting of touch
The red marks the spot in five stars
Red paint
Glazed across the mirror in streaks

It's like I can still see her
But in tiny fragments beneath each stroke of
Red paint
Grazing the mirror in all sorts of directions

scrape nails raw on the dried parts under my skin
Standing on the sink countertop dripping wet
Slick and damp beneath me slippery slope
Damp paint
Some of the paint is still wet and so I will slide my fingers in it to make a messy masterpiece

You are no longer still, on my canvas
I cannot control the flow of this paint
It's dripping
Buckets and buckets of red paint

It's on your shoes
It's in my hair
I shower and scrub and slice
It's everywhere.

And you will not come off of me

You are painted in permanent red.
and I should have sketched this in pencil first.

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