Deja Vu Date

13 1 0

Ducked under a hatchback
Dealing pickle peppered sandwiches
Smiling, scrunching napkins
Salad smudged against your lips

I dare you to dictate this memory for me

Ping pong ball panging in my throat
A game you can't stop gawking at
My veins gained vertigo from your vices
You drove me home in cul de sac circles

Twitching my mousey nose
Stale smoke stings the air
Soft chunks of soothing sweets
An offering as warm as a glowing screen

A movie scene
But you're watching me
My reactions are seamless
My resting is dreamless

An antagonist approaching
And mindlessly coaxing
You are coded to convince me
"He's not as bad as he seems"

Folding like fondant over a dense cake
I flop over it all
Tongues freezing
Mouths frothing

Interdimensional disturbance
Foggy coolness of the moon
Body fatigued
Soggy cheerio beneath your spoon

Raining down my eyes
Tracing along my spine
Licking sandpaper
Leaving no room for dessert

Memory of a flea
Correct me.

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