"Come on, why are you keeping yourself apart from everyone?" She asked, pulling me over to where Minako and Kaoru were standing. I didn't answer. I just blushed some more.

"Hey, while we're all together, why don't we get to know one another better? Like, how did you two meet?" Minako asked, her big blue eyes glimmering. Kaoru raised an eyebrow and waited for us to explain, even though he knew very well what our situation was.

"Uh... Actually, we met at the bakery downtown. I work there part time." Minako started. "He was being a selfish jerk, so we argued and I kinda kicked him out... But then he came back and we smoothed things over."

I noticed she had left out the part about "only getting together to argue". When I thought about it, we actually weren't fighting today. It had the same affect as yelling, though. It took my mind off of Haruhi, that's for sure.

But what happened to her in her past? What was so bad that she didn't want me to know? It was probably because we've only met a few days ago. She can't trust me already, right?

"Oh, how cute!" Minako squealed. Kaoru had let me know earlier on that Minako had always wanted couple Friends to hang out with. Now that Megumi and I were "just friends", she was determined to set us up.

Kaoru kissed the top of her head.

"Hey, I know this is supposed to be all sophisticated and stuff, but I thought we could have some fun tonight and invite some people over..." Kaoru said secretively. I glared at him, thinking that Tamaki and Haruhi were going to barge through the door any second. He read my mind, as always.

"No, not Tamaki and Haruhi. It's th-" He was cut off by a childlike cry.

"HIKA CHAN! KAO CHAN!" Hunny threw himself at me and attached himself to my leg. I had never been so relieved to see that kid in my entire life.

"Mitskuni. Be polite." Mori was standing off to the side, next to a familiar shadow king with glasses.

"Yes, can't you see they have a guest tonight?" He said. He wasn't even looking up from his notebook, but he still pointed at Megumi.

"Guys!" Kaoru and I said in unison. Minako flung herself at Hunny, detaching him from my leg and hugging him tightly.

"It's so good to see you! We haven't gotten together since the wedding!" She gushed. I winced a little when she brought it up, but Kaoru slung his arm around my shoulder and smiled.

"Yeah, please come in!" He motioned to the rest of the kitchen. I felt Megumi grip onto my hand harder, and remembered that she had no idea who these people were.

"Uh, guys?" I said. Everyone stopped and looked at me and Megumi.

"This is my guest, Megumi. She--"

"Are you my Hika Chan's girlfriend?! Do you like cake? You're really pretty!" Hunny immediately started ambushing the girl with compliments and questions.

"T-thanks," She stuttered, blushing, "And, um, in answer to your questions..."

"No we're not going out. And yeah, she has a sweet tooth." I answered for her. Kaoru winked at how much I knew about her. The truth was, we knew tons about each other already. We had to answer lots of questions about each other when she was writing her story.

"They're not going out... Yet." I vaguely heard Kaoru whisper to Kyouya. I sent him a death glare and he just grinned like the adorable little bastard he was.

"Um... May I ask who you are?" She asked. She was SERIOUSLY bipolar. A few hours ago she literally kicked me because I called her house cute, and now she was acting like an innocent little girl. Was it just me she was mean to?

"My name is Kyouya Ootori. It's a pleasure to meet you, Megumi." He nodded in her direction. She grinned and then turned back to me. I must've had a really stupid look on my face or something, because she started blushing and pushed me away.

"What are you staring at?" She asked. I crossed my arms and faced her directly.

"You." I answered. She blushed and then shoved me away again.

"That's embarrassing!" She exclaimed.

"I was being honest!" I defended myself and then shielded myself from any more of her "attacks". Instead, she smiled sheepishly.

"Right, sorry." She chirped.

This girl was going to be the end of me.

Minako grinned and then skipped over to Kyouya.

"So, Kyou-Kun, how have you been?" She asked. Kyouya looked up from his book.

"I've been doing well. How is your relationship going?" He addressed Kaoru as well. He grinned and pulled Minako close to him.

"Good! She's perfect, as always." He gushed, triggering her to blush. She nodded in agreement.

"Hika Chan!" Hunny pulled on my arm. I smiled down at him.


"I missed you." He said. He was so CUTE.

After everyone settled in a little more, we agreed that it was about time to start dinner.


A/N: Hey guys! Please comment girl Japanese names!

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