Harry bronchitis- for Baconfire12

Start from the beginning

My eyes followed him as he left the room, hands stuffed inside his pockets. Something was definitely up. He was being stranger than usual. All the signs were pointing to sickness so far but I didn't want to accept the fact.

"Well, I'm placing my bet. Ten bucks says he's gonna admit to feeling sick within the next 12 hours" Louis sighed after Harry with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm with you" I agreed with a nod, chewing on my lip worriedly.

"Maybe he's just tired" Liam suggested, not looking overly convinced himself. Louis rolled his eyes, "yeah, tell yourself that. I'm sticking to my first bet."

He tapped a couple of fingers on his leg and glanced up at the ceiling with a sniffle, "so, anyone wanna come with me to buy some socks?"


I instinctively kept a close eye on Harry throughout the day. He disappeared for a few hours after he'd gone to get a drink and when I'd gone looking for him I found him sound asleep on top of his bed, limbs splayed in every direction. He didn't look unwell or anything, he wasn't pale looking or sweating a great deal. I figured it was safe to assume that so far he was okay, he'd get the same strain that Louis had and there would be no major drama.

Later on that evening we did have to go to a talk show studio for a few hours. Louis and Liam got back from the shops an hour or so before we had to leave so we grabbed a snack in front of the TV while we waited for the time to pass.

I noticed Harry wince slightly as he swallowed a mouthful of sandwich. He pulled a face and rubbed a hand over his lips as he put the other half back down the plate on his lap.

"Not hungry Haz?" I nudged him gently.

He licked his lips, "Yeah, kind of. My throats sort of sore though, and there's a really weird taste in my mouth."

I went to tell him the bad news, that he was most likely on the way to coming down with Louis' cold but he interrupted me before I could get anything out, "I think I'm getting sick."

A small smirk floated across Louis' face, his eyes not moving from the TV. I held back a chuckle as Liam slapped a ten dollar note into his waiting hand.

"You'll be right for tonight though?"

"Oh yeah, definitely, it's nothing serious" Harry shook his head, glancing down at his sandwich again. "Do you want the rest?"

"I don't think that's the best idea" I grinned, taking his plate from him, "I'll clean it up for ya though."

"Right. Thanks" Harry smiled back, swallowing harshly.

I cringed. Something told me that he was in more pain that he was admitting to.

"Come with me" I gestured with my head, seeing as my hands were full.

Harry complied and stood up, following me into the kitchen. He leaned against the counter while I scraped the remains of the meal into the bin. I then put the plates into the dishwasher and retrieved the box of pills Louis had been taking for the past week. There was a sheet full left in the box and I held it out for Harry.

"Here, these should help a little" I shook them in front of his face. He'd zoned out again, his eyes were completely blank. I snapped my fingers and he jolted, a shocked sound coming from his mouth.

"Sorry, yeah" he swallowed again and took the sheet from my hand. He refilled his glass and swallowed down a single pill, "thanks Ni."

"Any time. Let someone know if it gets any worse. I know how you get with these things" I smiled sympathetically, putting the box back down onto the bench.

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