Chapter 4- Superficial Titles

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Percy Jackson's POV

My head snapped up when my mom tapped my cheek. Looking at her groggily, I faintly saw her smile.

"Wakie, wakie, sleepyhead." She said smiling.

"I'm up, I'm up." I grumbled. Stepping out of the car, I winced at the harsh sun rays hitting my face. Putting up my hand to block them, I turned back to my mom.

"Where to next?" I ask her.

"See that bar over there?" She asked pointing at a building across the street. The sign was in some sort of fancy lettering, so it was impossible to know what it said for sure because of my dyslexia. Moving on, I nodded to my mother.

"My friend Marcel should be there right now," she said. "We're gonna meet him."

"Does he work there?" I asked her.

"No." She replied. Great, a day drinker. Just because he doesn't have a bulging gut and a stinky smell that coats his body, doesn't mean he can't be another Gabe.

"Well then," I said. "Let's get to it." Did I really have any other choice but to follow her right now? If you thought yes, then I'll correct you with the answer of no. Unless, I want to be some bratty teenage kid who doesn't listen to anyone in attempt to be cool, I'm gonna have to listen to my mom. Really not that big of a deal, it's just I'd rather be sleeping in the car right now.

But nonetheless, since I didn't care to voice my thoughts, off we went in the direction of the bar anyways.


By the time we had managed to cross the street, Marcel was already outside waiting for us. And the only reason I knew that is because of the big hug he gave my mom after loudly exclaiming "Sally!"

We made our way back inside so that we could get some shade. And from there, the introductions continued.

"You must be Percy," Marcel said. "Sally told me about you."

"Yup that's me." I said whilst awkwardly shuffling my feet. I turned back to my mom, only to see her greeting someone else. He had dirty blonde hair that was in messy curls, and blue eyes that resembled Jason's in the shade. If that's what you could call it, I'd say that my demigod radar just went on high alert. I know that he showed no signs of being anything but human, but over the years, demigods learn not to trust anyone new.

"Hello love," the man said to my mother. "Marcel has told me a lot about you." He shook her hand and then kissed it.

"Wow. Never thought that I'd be given the honour of meeting the Klaus Mikaelson." My mom remarked. I took this as my cue to step up, seeing as this guy was too young to be getting this comfortable around my mom. But at the same time I also wish that that was the only thing about him that bothered me.

"Percy Jackson," I said while holding up my hand for a shake. "Now, I'm not trying to be rude here. But what exactly makes you so important that there's a the in your title. A bit superficial, don't ya think?" I asked him. He shook my hand and smirked.

"Well mate," he started. "A few years back my family and I were the talk of the town. I guess we still are." How long was a few years back, exactly? Like I said, this guy was just a bit too young.

"Well alrighty then." I replied. What was I supposed to say? I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about him. But I had no backup in case I turned out to be right. And that was not something I was willing to risk with my mom around. He didn't seem normal, with my luck he was some monster. But it's his name that really got me. Klaus Mikaelson. That's gotta be old English. Like really old. But that's not enough to go on before I stab him with Riptide. Looks like I just gotta wait it out.

"So Sally," Marcel started out. "How about I show you were you and Percy will be staying?"

"What about Percy?" My mom asked him. Marcel was about to answer but Klaus beat him to it.

"If you would like Sally, I'd be happy to show your son around New Orleans. After all, with the amount of helping you'll be doing, you might not end having as much free time as you wish." Klaus said smoothly. Please no, mom. Please NO.

"I think that would be a great idea!" My mom said whilst smiling brightly. The three adults looked over at me. I didn't trust my moth to say what I wanted it to say, so I just stiffly nodded my head and sent I tight smile in Klaus's direction, giving my mom a thumbs up.

She walked over to and placed a kiss on my forehead- which impressive because I was taller than her by several inches.

"Thank you for not getting mad at all the sudden changes," she murmured. Then she took a step back and began to follow Marcel out of the bar. "I'll see you later." She called out over her shoulder.

"Bye!" I yelled back. Looking back over at Klaus, I saw that he finishing a drink. When he had time to order, I have no idea.

"So," I stated before slapping my hands in my thighs. "What's the game plan?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled. But it wasn't a warm and kind smile like my moms. It was crooked and screamed of mistrust. But I had no choice, so I followed him as he walked out of the bar. I was walking behind him when he began to speak.

"Well, first of all I'll be showing you the French quarter, which is where you can find your mother or someone who knows your mother if you are ever in need. Afterwards, we can just go to a few hot spots of the city. Great ways to pass the time really. I might need to run an errand of two in between and I hope you do not mind that. And lastly, well finish it off with the cemetery." His grin looked feral when he spoke about the cemetery. But at the same time he seemed excited, like he knew something was coming and that I was going to be in the middle of it. Like I said, I don't trust them. But I don't have a choice now, seeing as I idiotically agreed to let this most likely lunatic give me a tour of the city without anyone else actually with me.

"Well," I muttered. At least, if he does kill me, then I'll know I was right about them. "Let's get to it then."

"Better late than never." He agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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