the massacre's sole surviver

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???'s POV
"We are approaching the capital but first we'll have to go through the core." A young adult female who looked strangely like captain Vex of the royal guard said.
The female was traveling with another female of similar age. This girl had lighter hair and pink eyes. The girls were travelling with a male monster.
"The core?" The pink eyed girl asked.
"The core converts geothermal energy into electrical energy. It was built by the royal scientist. He is the sole survived of the science clan." The purple eyed girl explained.
"That's going to be a problem. He'll recognize me." The girl's eyes went from pink to red and her tone of voice went slightly deeper.
"How about we try to sneak past him?" The monster suggested.
"Ok. Oh and you might want to know that someone's following us." The now red eyed girl said.
Shoot they know I'm here. I could here they other two searching for me. These three beat Vex, it'll be best if I don't anger them. I stepped out form the shadows.
"You caught me." I said.
"Take the hood off." The purple eyed one ordered. I noticed the other girl's eyes went back to pink as I complied.
"Frisk, let me take care of it." Said the girl with bipolar eyes.
"No Chara, my dad taught me how to interrogate someone." Frisk said.
"Fine." Chara replied.
"What's your name?" Frisk ordered.
"My name is Riley." I replied.
"Clan?" Frisk
"Capital." Me
"Ocupation?" Frisk
"Technically I have two. I'm the royal spy and a farmer. I would tell you a farm based pun but it's very corny." I had to make the pun. The monster started laughing. Well, no one said monsters didn't have a sense of humor.
"Azzy, now is not the time."Chara said.
"I''s" He said between laughs.
"Are you seriously making puns during an interrogation?" Frisk asked me
"Tibia honest I don't see the problem." I said with a smug smile. The monster started laughing harder.
"Ugh!" Chara sighed.
"As I was saying," Frisk said with a smile breaking through. "Why are you following us?"
"It's kinda my job to follow suspicious people around." I said like it was the most obvious thing ever, because it was.
"How are we suspicious?" Chara asked.
"Ummm, three teens walking around. One of you is a monster and, your parents should be teaching you two." I said.
"It's still undecided which of my parents' clans I will be a part of." Frisk said.
"Orphan." Chara said simply.
"What do you mean which?" I questioned.
"My dad's from the war clan and my mom's from the psychic clan. My parents are still deciding which clan I'll be a part of. I beat my dad and I won a psychic duel against the leader of the psychic clan." She said.
"Who's your dad?" I asked although I had an idea.
"Vex captain of the royal guard." She said.
"Well it's a good thing I already won this fight. Also, I have been trained so psychic influence doesn't work on me." I said.
They all realized that I had bound them when they were distracted. Their hands were tied together. I had also bound their ankles.
"How?" The monster asked.
"I bound Frisk when she was watching Chara telling you to stop laughing. I got Chara when she looked away after my second pun. And I tied you up when you were looking at Frisk as she explained her clan situation." I explained.
"Well, we're screwed." Chara said.
"C'mon." I pushed the monster and Frisk forward with my hands. Chara stayed with them.
"Where are you taking us?" Frisk asked.
"I'm taking you to Casper." I answered as I herded them towards his lab.
"Who's Casper?" I felt Frisk trying to influence me while she said it.
"Ha, nice try but as I said, it doesn't work on me." I commented.
When the three stopped to stare at how large the lab was I grabbed them by the ropes binding them. I held Chara and Frisk in my right and the monster in my left.
When I got to the door I knocked with my foot.
I heard footsteps as he walled to the door. When the door opened I saw Casper standing there. He had dirty blond hair that was always slightly messy. He had jade green eyes and he was very pale.
"Why did you bring them here?" He signed.
Normally I signed back but I couldn't while holding the three of them. "I need to use your phone to call the royal guard because that trainee broke mine." I said, he can hear and understand me he just doesn't talk himself.
"Go ahead I'll go make some hot chocolate." He knew hot chocolate was my favorite.
"Thanks." I said as I dragged the three struggling brats into the other room.
I tied them to the couch and dialed Vex's number.
"Hello?" Vex
"Yeah it's Riley. I caught two kids and a monster traveling together. Can you send some men over hear to help transport them to the capital?" I heard his breathing change on the other end of the phone when I said I had his daughter.
"Yes I'll send an escort. Just tell me where you are." His voice was stiff and he talked very slowly.
"I'm at Casper's lab." I said.
"How come that always seems to be your location?" Vex' s voice was teasing.
"There is nothing between us." I felt my face color.
"Sure. That's what they all say." His voice was still teasing.
"I have to go one of them escaped. Get that escort." I said very quickly and made my voice sound worried to give the illusion that one of them had. I hung up immediately after I finished the sentence.
"So who is it?" His daughter's tone of voice matched the voice her father had used to a T.
"Who is what?" I asked.
Casper walked in and set the cup of hot chocolate down.
"If you need any-" his hands stopped moving when he looked at Chara. He started trembling.
"Are you ok?" I stood up and walked over to him.
I saw a single tear role down his cheek then, more and more.
"Demon." His voice was mellow and soft, it was also raspy from under use. Casper was a mute and he just spoke, if the circumstances were normal I'd be overjoyed... the circumstances weren't normal.
I looked over at Chara and glared. Her eyes were red.
"Look I regret what I did. But the pain was unbearable and I snapped for a moment. I really am sorry my body thought I was under attack and my survival reflexes kicked in. I know that doesn't justify what I have done. I want to undo it so badly. It has haunted me everyday for 16 years since then. I don't know what I can do in return. But I'll do anything to make it up to you." Chara was crying and I could see the guilt on her face.
What had she done to Casper?

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