Chapter 2: the summer of 1999

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It all started in the summer of 1999 when I was just 13. It was the last day of school and my friends and I were going to ride our bikes to a creek. There were four of us including me. On the way we stopped at my friend Mike's "club house ." It was just a makeshift area made of sticks, blankets and cardboard. We were inside playing a board game and I was drawing as usual. I decided to draw an alternate dimension, and it looked so cool! I was very excited to show the others, but a light glow of red coming from outside stopped me. It was a shade of red like blood fresh from a cut. I began to wander outside to see what it was then I saw it....blood Red.....leading deep through a looked like a different world.........

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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