The Poet and The Singer

Start from the beginning

Mac has a pick-up truck while Aileen goes with the school bus but sometimes she uses her bike. This time, Aileen went to Mac's place,

"Good morning, Ms. Gina,"

"Oh, dearie, Good mornin', what is it?"

"Is Mac still there?"

"Yup! Still here!" shouted Mac from the dining room,

"Come in for a while and have a breakfast,"

"It's alright, Ms. Gina. I'll eat at the canteen,"

"Oh, please. I insist,"

She smiled. "Okay, Ms. Gina. Thank you very much,"

So, Aileen went inside humbly. It was her second time to come inside the Hayes' residence. Nothing has changed, she said to herself. She was 12 when she was invited for Mac's 14th birthday. She always likes to go inside their house. It is so lively and fun, so she says. She sat beside Mac,

"Heya, Lin, Good mornin'!" said Mac as he adjusted his glasses,

"Good morning, four eyes," she said with a low voice,

Mac passed the plate of ham to her,

"Oh, thanks..."

"Anyways, what brings you here?" he said while passing her a plate of bread loaves.

"Can I go with you in class?"

"Sure, why not..." he smiled. "Here, drink this. It's great," Mac gave her a mug of hot Chocó. "Eat there for a while. I'll just get my things upstairs,"

"Sure, take your time... and you're right, this is awesome!"

Mac smiled and went to his room.

"So, how are you, dear?" asked Ms. Gina,

"Oh, I'm alright, ma'am,"

"Ain't you lonely there?" she held Aileen's hand,

"Uhmm..." she stuttered for a bit,

"Oh, sorry if I'm pryin', I just..."

"Oh no! You're not prying at all! *chuckle* It's fine, really. I'm used to the house,"

"Well, if you ever need anything, even just a chat, come by here, okay?"

"Thank you, Ms. Gina," she smiled. Actually, she was holding back her tears. She was hoping that her mom was Ms. Gina.

Suddenly, stomps of foot were heard from upstairs,

"Ma, we're gonna go now!"

"Ok, take care, son!"

"Goodbye, Ms. Gina! And thanks for the great meal!" she suddenly kissed her on the cheeks. She was surprised for herself,

She smiled, "Sure, dear. Come back next time!"

Outside, Aileen sat by the truck's trailer,

"Why don't you sit inside?" asked Mac,

"Just drive!"

"Sheesh... so, you're the boss now, huh?"

Then, she brought out her guitar and started singing.

They reached the school within twenty minutes,

"Aileen!" shouted a girl in the school parking lot,


"How are you doing, baby?"

"Still beautiful as ever. How about you?"

"Well, the same as ever,"

The two laughed happily,

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