Flyers vs. Blackhawks

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Devan’s POV:

Jess paid the cab driver and we decided to head over to Xfinity! Live since we were an hour early for warm ups. As we walked in we were hit with the familiar sounds and smells of our favorite sports bar in downtown. We met up with our friends Anthony and Ryan, who were also going to the game. We all met about a year ago when we went to one of our favorite local bars in the city. Its a quiet little place away from the center city hub. The first night we met it was like we knew these boys forever and we have been best friends ever since. When they found out where our seats were they were freaking out. Both of the boys are huge Flyers fans and have had season tickets for years. We chatted and had dinner and of course watched as people made fools of themselves on the mechanical bull. It was already a great night and not even seven o’clock yet.

“Hey Jess you ready to head over?” you asked.

“Yes!! I am literally so excited!!” Jess replied.

We paid for dinner and our drinks and walked over to Wells Fargo with our group of friends.

“Anthony is soooooooo into you its crazy.” I told Jess as we sat down in our seats. She blushed because deep down I think she really liked him too.

“Stop no hes not..” Jess said. We continued to talk about the boys until we were interrupted by the loud music, the dim lights and the sound of skates hitting the ice. Warm ups were officially starting and it was amazing being this close to the players. I looked for my favorite player, Brayden Schenn, and was a little disappointed when I found him on the other side of the ice. It looked like he was talking to some fans on the bench and I was instantly jealous. I hope he will talk to me like that when we meet everyone. I was brought back to reality when I heard Jess beating on the glass to get Zac Rinaldo’s attention. He looked over and flashed a smile and we both melted. The game quickly started and the first and second periods seemed to fly by. The best part so far was the Patrick Kane vs. Brayden Schenn face off right in front of us. When we saw Kaner we were both freaking out and screaming at him. For a second I looked at Brayden and he was staring right at me like he was jealous… or maybe it was just my imagination. We got a few Patrick Kane smiles and winks throughout the game and each one felt like we died and went to heaven.

There were only 5 minutes left in the game and it was tied 2-2, with goals from Wayne Simmonds and Scotty Hartnell. Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews also scored for the Blackhawks. I never wanted a game to be over so quickly but we were meeting the players after and I couldn’t help but feel nervous. Less than a minute left and the Blackhawks were in our zone and ready to shoot on Steve Mason. My heart was racing so fast. I couldn’t believe what I saw when Brayden Schenn intercepted a pass from Toews to Kane and had the chance for a breakaway goal. With less than 10 seconds left he dangled the puck and shot...GOAL! Wells Fargo went crazy as our team had just beat the reigning Stanley Cup champs!!!! Jess and I screamed and hugged and high fived everyone within reach. What a game. We watched as the boys celebrated and I couldn’t tell if my mind was playing tricks on me again because I swear Brayden looked at me and smirked before he headed into the locker room.

Jess and I waited until everyone began to file out of the stands. When we got to the top we were greeted by an older man in a suit, who said he would lead us down to the locker rooms for the meet and greet. First we met with the head coach, Craig Berube. On TV he seems like a really mean man but one on one you can tell he is just one big softie. We talked about the game mostly but also talked about how he is a really great golfer and said we should go sometime.

“Follow me ladies..” Berube waved toward the locker room. He opened the door and we followed. “Say hello boys.”

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