"Her death will be on your hands!"

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She left in the morning, so that no trouble would befall her before she even started her journey. Getting into trouble only three days into her travels wouldn't be the best way to start off. Her sword longed for some blood and she was a bit thirsty for some herself. But she still had to find that life to give. Some rapist, plunderer,  or evil monarch that deserved to die, not an innocent life that I would take. Someone like Dorian. Celaena decided it would be better to purchase a horse to help her travel better and not to mention faster. Good thing it was market day in the small town of Meah. There were lots of stallions and mares for sale but only one caught her eye. A black Astorian stallion about three or four. She walked around the beast, inspecting every inch of it to make sure eh would last for the weary travels ahead. All seemed in good shape in form so she handed over the ten gold coins to the trader. A few moments later he was saddled and ready to go.
¨His name is Wind, because he is as fast as the wind.¨The trader mentioned before she spurred him and off they rode. Now the town of Meah is 4698 miles from the next destination. A small town on the edge of the Perranch Mountains, the town Perranch. It would be a long hike up those mountains and across the other side.

Five days into her ride and Celaena was bored. There had been no killing, no action, no theft. She wasn't cut out for this lifestyle. She missed her room at the guild with her plump pillows and silk robes and expensive cosmetics. Now she had to live without that in exchange for Sam. He was the reason she kept going, why she didn't give up. To have another shot, another chance with the man she loved. Mhm how wonderful it would be to see him again, alive that is.  The young assassin urged her mount on and they flew miles and miles at a time.

Arobrynn paced circles around the body of Sam as he stared down into the face. Those warm brown eyes stared angrily back up at him.
¨How could she fall for you? I do not understand why she chose you over me. I was her master! I was everything to her! Yet she chose the concubines son, over a lord, a king! I just had to make sure she never saw you again, but now that she is searching for the cure, she will find that it doesn't exist, she will die trying.......all because she loves you.¨ He laughed and smacked his face. Sam winced. The temporary poison, that had caused him to lay still and frozen had finally worn off.  The blue tint was slowly fading away and his regular tan skin finally coming back to its normal color. His hands and legs were bound to the table making sure that he would stay there so that he couldn't get up.
¨Leave her out of this! She chose me because that's where her feelings stood. Please send for her to come back! She does not deserve to die!¨ He pleaded, his voice filled with worry and love.  Arobrynn looked at him, eyes smiling for him and spoke with desperation in his voice.
¨She will never love me, therefore she will never love anyone again!¨
¨Why not just kill me then? It makes no sense. Why fake my death and let her die?¨ Sam said quietly, trying to think of a way to escape.
¨Because now you will live with her death on your hands! She will die trying to save you!! Once she gets to the world of the Witch Master, I have sent word for him to end her. And so her death will be your fault.  And that my friend, is the greatest punishment I can lay upon you..¨ Sam struggled with the itchy ropes trying aimlessly to get free as Arobrynn walked out and locked the great wooden door.
¨Oh Celaena...I will get free, I will find you, and then i will marry you.....¨ He said to himself, because even the smallest bit of hope is enough to try.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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