Jason Voorhees Prom Special

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(A/N: To all The Friday The 13th fans, get ready for the prom special want! This is the prom dress you are going to wear.)

You are so excited for prom as you got on your prom dress and begin to fix your makeup by wearing a good amount of eyeshadow, lipstick and even some foundation. You got on your heels as Jason Voorhees came with a smile on his face and you begin to smile.

"Lets go to the prom." You said

Jason nodded and bring you over to the prom as everyone felt scared of Jason Voorhees and ran in fear except the principal as she smiled at your prom date. At the prom, the song Wobble came on and everyone is dancing to that song including yourself and Jason felt shy to dance as you hear some classical music and you begin to dance with Jason as Jason wrapped his arm around your waist while dancing as the other girls are flirting with the killer as you made a cat hiss.

"My prom date." You said

After the prom, you begin to go back to the camp and begin to stay with Jason and you have the best prom date ever.

Jason: Very amazing

Kayako: *thumbs up*

Hannibal: That's so wonderful and I love this moment

Carrie and Diana: Me too.

Me: Don't worry you will be there to have your prom too

Toshio: *meows and write a note* "I can't wait."

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