Night_Lights19 Presents: Jewelry Trail

Start from the beginning

"You'll find them, Sienna. Don't worry," he said, and I just nodded.

At the party, I go to the bathroom and Sam goes in. He takes his roses, and I can't help but wonder if he's going to make a show later of giving them to me.

In the bathroom stall, I think of my necklaces, earrings, anklets, and bracelets. I think of its meanings to me. It was weird but each piece of my jewelry had a special meaning to me. I got my amethyst necklace when my mom died after battling a kidney disease because amethyst was her birthstone. And the diamond earrings were my grandma's that she handed down to me. And the list went on. But now it was all gone.

That was when the tears finally poured out.

An eternity later, I manage to stop crying and make it out of the bathroom. I decide to just get whatever they have without alcohol and then look for Sam.

But instead, I see Sam first. And where I see him, stabs my heart in places I never thought it could be stabbed.

He was there, next to a wall, his tongue down a pretty brunette's mouth. And all along, I thought he loved me. All the times he'd come over to help me, all the times he'd act like I was the only girl in the world, was only for show. He never actually loved me, like I loved him.

That must have been who the roses were for.

"SIENNA!" Someone called me and I come face to face with Adam, a friend from college.

"Oh hey, Adam," I stated managing a smile. He was the only one who knew about my crush on Sam. Why I told him, I had no idea.

He might've seen my eyes filled with tears because he asked what was wrong. And then as if to answer himself, he saw Sam and the brunette.

"Oh," he says. "Sienna, I'm sorry. If he doesn't like you back then he's missing out. You're better than her."

"Thanks, Adam," was all I could say.

"Want me to take you home?" He offered.

"Maybe later. I want to walk around and see the place," I said.

"Text me, then. I'll answer," he promised.

"Okay," I answered. "See you later."

He smiles at me and assures me that everything would be okay before he walks one way and I walk away, from another. I don't know why I wanted to stick around. Maybe in the back of my mind, I was still hoping Sam would get tired and come back for me.

But after a few cups of un-spiked fruit punch, I saw Sam still with the girl, I gave up all hope. I was going to text Adam when someone else, behind me, called me.

Over the music, I couldn't tell who it was. And I still sort of wanted it to be Sam.

But it wasn't. It was Evan from high school. It was kind of weird that he was calling me. We never talked in high school and even though we went to the same college to study English, we hardly ever talked.

"Oh, hey Evan," I said.

"Hey Sienna," he greeted. "Saw your boyfriend over there."

Wait, what?

"Who's that?"

"Samuel, one or another," he answered.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend. What's it to you?" I snapped.

"Nothing, Sienna. Wanted to tell you your boyfriend was cheating but guess not," he said.

"Oh," was all I said.

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