"I WILL see you alive again Sam Cortland."

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¨Show me the body. I want to see it.¨  The fierceness in her voice did not show any signs of belief. Arobrynn shook his head.
¨No you don't.¨ Celaena pushed past him and forcefully pushed open the doors to the
Guilds hall. Down the corridors and to the room where he lay.  The door slammed open and she froze when she saw him lying on that slab of wood. Her hand reached out and touched his icy cold skin, tinted with blue. His eyes were closed, and thank god for that too, because had they been open, she might not have been able to contain herself. It took her a minute before realizing what this meant for her, for their future together.

Her eyes stare at his cold body as the feelings begin to come in. No. No! NO!
¨Sam........¨ She whimpered and fell to her knees. Her eyes looked up at Arobrynn, filled with sorrow and anger.
¨Is there any way, any thing that I can do to bring him back?¨ The pain in her voice went through his ice cold heart, and for the first time, he felt bad for Celaena.  Arobrynn sighed and knelt down to her level so that he could comfort her better. He hesitated before finally speaking.
¨There is.......a way.....But I do not suggest it, it is very dangerous and it could mean you dying too.¨ Celaena's eyes shimmered with even the slightest bit of hope.
¨I love him." It was the first time she had really said it, out loud that is. Sam always knew she meant it, so why speak unnecessary words?
¨I would go through Hell for him, if it meant bringing him back to me..¨ Her voice was barely above a whisper, yet Arobrynn could hear the strength that rattled her. This little girl who he had found, was now the strongest one in his company.
¨You must travel through the Witch Lands, through the Frozen wastes and to the Kingdom of Amaroch, where the Witch Master lives. There is tale of a remedy to any illness, including death. But Celaena, The Witch Master is tricky, unfair. A life for a life, that is his price for it. You would have to give up your life for his. Is he really worth that? This is not something you can just rush off on a whim to do, you must take time and think about this!  Please.......... stay here, where your home is,......... where I am. ¨ His eyes looked at hers and she could see the emotion for once. He was begging her to stay with him.
¨I cannot.........my home is with Sam, therefore, He is worth it.without him.... I don't know who i would be. I already have decided and you cannot stop me.  Besides. You said a life for a life. Nothing implies that it has to be my OWN life. It could be some one I decide to kill. ¨ She turned to look at her old master.

¨I leave tomorrow at dawn. Go ahead. Try and stop me but I swear I will not stop trying to save him until he is alive in my arms again." Her voice held pain and grief as she longingly glanced at his handsome face and chiseled body, one last time before she would depart.  Once she was gone, she would not come back until she had the cure, until she could save him and bring him back. Oh god how she wanted those soft brown eyes to open, those strong warm arms to envelop her in his musky scent once more, those chapped lips to kiss her again. She wanted him, she needed him. The time could not pass enough until that might happen. Celaena leaned down slowly and placed a short chaste kiss on her lovers lips. Oh how it hurt when he didn't pull her closer and tug at her hair. She wished for him to kiss her harder but her mind knew better. She closed her eyes before choking out words. It hurt to imagine a life without him, it was a personal Hell for her.
¨I WILL see you again,  you will be alive..... Sam Cortland. That is a promise.¨ And with that she rushed out the door and marched back down the street to the crappy apartment that's she shared with Sam, to start packing for the long journey she knew she had ahead of her. Anything for Sam.

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