"I heard about last night" She starts

"And, what do you think"

"That my brothers are idiots" she laughs. "It's your life Flicker, your body you should have some say in what happens to it" 

I breathe a sigh of relief, it was nice to have someone on my side.

"If you were wondering where my brothers were they're in the office, they left early this morning"

I didn't know how to feel about that, I was thankful that they hadn't confronted me this morning but did they really feel no regret for what happened last night, going straight to their pack work meant that they had pushed what happened at dinner to the back of their minds.

I know Emma said that they were apologetic but how sorry did they really feel if they were so focussed on their work.

"Look Flicker I need to tell you that my Mum is also quite upset with herself about what happened last night, she truly feels guilty for causing the fight between the three of you and never meant to place any pressure on you for grandkids"

"I understand" I say distracted, my thoughts still focussed on the Alpha's and their early leave for work this morning.

"She would like to see you today some time to apologise"

"She can come this afternoon"

"That's great"

"Also Flicker, ther..."

"I'm sorry Cassidy, I'm just a little busy at the moment can we talk later"

I don't wait for her response, instead pushing past her and heading straight for the front door, deep down I hated that I was rude but I just had to get out of this house, I needed space to think.

It was a beautiful sunny day which clearly did not reflect my mood.

Would it always be like this I think.  Would we always end up fighting over problems or could we ever sit down and discuss our issues like a normal couple.Its like we were on a never ending round a bout with problem after problem, it was starting to exhaust me.

I wanted kids, truly I did but six just seemed too many, I really didn't want to spend half my life pregnant.

I had wandered quite deep into the forest that I was now close to what I assumed to be the border of the pack. The sun had shifted also so it was now directly above me.

Emma had informed their wolves where I was so I could spend all day out here if I felt like it but I knew eventually I would need to head home to discuss what happened last night.

Carolyn was also coming around this afternoon which I dreaded even worse than facing Jake and Connor. I really didn't want to listen to her apologise all afternoon.

I twig snaps in the distance,  breaking me out of my thoughts.  I first think that its a rogue, I  was quite a fair distant away from the pack that one could've slipped in, but security in this pack was impeccable so it was still highly unlikely.

Emma was also on alert, ready to inform Ryder and Zach if I ran into any trouble.

The snapping of twigs turns into heavy footsteps and I take a step back preparing myself for whoever was going to approach me, I think about transforming into my wolf but the stranger was still in human form so I discard the idea.

"Lets just tell them now" Emma asks impatiently

"Wait" I say, I really didn't want to call jake and Connor if it was just some guard on border patrol.

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