Harry's kid faking sick- for writer_girl2018

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"And M-m-mum a-and Dad!" She sobbed.

"It's okay Sweetheart, it was just a dream. We're all just fine, I promise, shhhh..." I smoothed her hair down and whispered into her ear. The pet name that slipped out surprised me, but I didn't mind it. It seemed appropriate for the situation.

"Take a deep breath for me, everything's okay" I murmured softly.

Mara shook as she inhaled and her warm breath fanned me as she breathed out.

"Better Mars bar?" I tilted her head up with my hand. She hiccuped and drew out of my hold.

"I don't f-feel well" she whimpered, pressing a small hand to her mid-section. I internally groaned. Nightmares I could deal with. I had not put my name down for puke duty.

I gently took  her hand in mine and helped her to her feet. There wasn't any way we could stay in her room if she was going to be sick, there was nothing to catch it and a steaming mess would help her at all.

She shivered into my side as I guided her into the bathroom. Mum and Dad were using their en suite so thankfully it was empty.

I spent twenty minutes in there with her, rubbing her back as she vomited. Thankfully it was only once, and it wasn't a lot, because I didn't have the strongest stomach and I didn't want to find myself throwing up into the sink on a Tuesday morning.

I had to look away and hold my breath to keep last night's dinner inside me while Mara spewed out her insides.

Dad came in after that twenty minutes and took over, a fast look of horror passing over his features when he realised that Mara was sick as well. He thanked me for looking after her and let me go back to bed.

I laid there trying to fall back asleep for hours before giving up. The stench of puke was still strong in my nose and I couldn't fall asleep with it just lingering there like that. It was six a clock now, I might as well just wait half an hour and then get up.

It was while I was just laying there, thinking about things, that an idea hit me. Mum and Mara both already had this bug. Dad wouldn't have a hard time believing me if I told him my stomach hurt or whatever. This was a golden opportunity to score a couple of days off school.

It was going to be so easy. And it wasn't as if I was going to be taking Dad's time or anything, I'd just watch netflix and eat in my room, he'd be too busy running after Mum and Mara to worry about his other kid who was completely silent.

Dad was a little late coming to wake me up, I figured that it was because he'd been up half the night. He shook my shoulder and I pretended to wake up, blinking in the light.

"Hey, time to get up" Dad smiled, opening my curtains.

I stretched out and groaned, "how're Mum and Mara?"

"Mum's sound asleep in the bedroom, her fever's starting to go down a little so that's definitely something. Mara's in the lounge watching cartoons, I haven't been able to get her back to sleep since earlier" Dad replied, "thanks again, for helping out."

"Don't worry, uh- about it" I sat up, wincing just a little bit. I shifted a bit and rubbed at my stomach. Dad seemed to pick up on it and I resisted showing the pride I was feeling as he frowned worriedly.

"You okay Jack?" He asked, instantly going in to feel for a temperature.

"Mmmm, just feeling kinda sick" I replied with as much sadness as I could muster up.

"You're not warm... Maybe you should have something to eat. You know how you are around this type of thing, your stomach's probably just rebelling a little. Food might help" Dad suggested.

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