art senpai noticed me

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It may not seem like a big deal to anybody else, but it's a big deal for me to be able to share my art online. Not a lot of people irl care about my constant sketching, drawing, painting, etc.. so i automatically thought no one online would care either. Art is just such a very sacred thing for me because it's one of the few things i'm good at/enjoy. Like every typical parent, my parents would like for me to do something important in my life. Grow up to be a doctor or a lawyer or something. But art (and music) ARE what is important to me. It might not be my career in the future, but it's still something i'm pretty passionate about.

 Nevertheless, i decided to post it, and actually got a response from the artist who inspired me to start drawing again..which was pretty rad :D

 Going through art blocks aren't easy, especially when so many stressful things are in the way. I personally don't think my art is beautiful but some people do, so i shall post it on here as well 'cause why not. 

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