Trying to remember where Noah's dorm was, I noticed a familiar face walking towards me. "Archie?" I asked as I stepped in front of his body.

He glanced up at me, instantly frowning. "What?"

"Is Noah in your room?"

"He hasn't left," Archie said while looking down at his shoes. "He barely gets out of bed, I had to force him to eat last night."

This is all my fault, I thought while frowning. "Would you mind taking me to him?"

Archie looked back up at me as his eyebrows disappeared beneath his hair. "I don't think that's such a good idea. You're probably the last person he wants to see right now. You really messed him up."

"I know I did. That's why I need to go and apologize, I was out of line."

He still looked unsure, which was starting to piss me off. "Please, just take me to him."

After debating with himself for a few more minutes, Archie finally sighed before walking towards his dorm. When we were finally outside of his door, he looked over at me with a sad face. "Don't screw him up anymore than you already have."

With that, he walked away and basically slammed the hallway door shut behind him. Sighing, I took a shaky breath before knocking on the door. Since I wasn't expecting a response, I slowly opened the door and walked inside.

I instantly noticed Noah was lying under a huge pile of blankets on his bed. Only his brown eyes were visible, which were currently glued to the TV where an episode of Friends was playing. When those brown eyes looked up and saw me, he instantly pulled his blankets over his head.

"Noah, can we talk?"

"If you're here to call me a slut again, just leave. I know I am, you don't have to tell me."

His voice was slightly muffled from the blankets, but I could still hear him. I almost wish I hadn't, because it made me feel bad. And I know I deserve to feel bad, I was the one that did this after all.

Slowly shutting the door behind me, I frowned while walking over to his bed. Sitting down onto the side, I slowly pulled back his blanket so I could see his eyes. His usually perfectly styled hair was shaggy and hanging down in front of his eyes. His eyes were puffy and red, like he had been crying. He was also wearing a very large blue shirt, which had stains on the front. This was not the Noah I knew, and it was all because of me.

"You're not a slut, I was just angry and scared so I said that. I'm so sorry Noah."

He stared at me with a dead like stare, before he glanced back over to the TV. "You always say you don't want to get close to people because of your past. You know, if you slept with someone, you would've thought you'd share said past with said lover."

"I... you're right."

When Noah finally looked back at me, I launched into the Justin story. I told him everything that had happened throughout high school, and made sure not to leave anything out. I wanted him to know why I have issues, why I was such a dick.

"He really messed me up," I said while looking down at my hands. "Ever since then I realized that relationships don't work."

"They do with the right person," Noah whispered.

Looking back up at him, I frowned while shaking my head. "I just don't think I can let myself be hurt again. But at the same time, I don't want to ever hurt you again. I really don't know what to do."

"I know what you can do," Noah said while holding his blanket up. "You can take a chance on something."

I stared at him for a second before moving under the blanket with him. Once I placed the blanket around both of our bodies, Noah gently rested his head on my chest."

"Don't you want to keep watching Friends?" I whispered while his arm wrapped around my waist.

"I've seen every episode basically a million times."

Glancing down at him, I ever so gently moved his blonde hair off his forehead. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me, looking very tired. "I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered.

"I'm more afraid of hurting you. If you can't tell, I'm really rusty at relationships. I'm not cut out for them."

"Yes, you are." He then leaned forward and placed a kiss onto my lips. "Let me show you you are."

Running my fingers through his hair, I sighed while running my thumb along his cheekbone. "Didn't I come here to make you feel better? You should hate me, scream at me, tell me you hate me. Why aren't you doing any of that?"

He smiled a sleepy smile as he whispered, "Like I said, relationships work with the right person. Just give me a chance."

"Okay," I said while nodding. "Okay."

With that he closed his eyes and nestled his head under my chin. Maybe this relationship will work, maybe. Wrapping my arm tightly around Noah's waist, I glanced at the TV before closing my eyes. I felt like I didn't deserve Noah, I didn't deserve a boyfriend in general. But maybe he was right, maybe relationships work with the right person. I hoped he was right.

Jet Black Heart (boyxboy) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now