Chapter Fifteen

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As I laid in my bed, I carefully replayed the day. The day had gone by quickly. I had enough romance to last me at least another month. After I had cleaned up Peridot's makeup, she had silently grabbed her things and left. I didn't follow her to the door so I had no idea if she had ran into my family. After Peridot had left, I quickly finished my homework and buried myself in blankets. I was getting ready to sleep, dreading the entire weekend I had to spend with Coal, when my phone went off. I untangled my top half from the blankets and grabbed my phone. I pushed the on button and blinded myself. As soon as I could partially see again, I lowered the brightness and checked the message. Or should I say messages. I had received a message from Coal and one from an unknown number. I checked the one from Coal first. "Hey Lapis!"

I smiled, the message seemed innocent enough. Maybe he had finally moved on. "Hey Coal. What's up?"

I tapped the unknown number. "This is Peridot."

I quickly tapped a reply back. "Hey Peri! Mind if I call you that?"

She replied in almost no time at all. "Sure. Lazuli."

Coal replied so I switched over to his messages He had said: "Just getting ready for tomorrow ;)"

I rolled my eyes, that was just great. I ignored the reply and clicked my phone off. I was just about to put my phone back on my nightstand when it went off, vibrating several times. Three new messages from Peridot. "HEY! DON'T LEAVE ME ON 'READ'!" and "LAZULI COME BACK!" and lastly, "I HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO ASK YOU!"

I sighed and swiped on my phone screen to reply. "What is it Peridot? It's late."

Three dots popped up at the bottom of the screen to indicate she was typing back. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. I know you'll be with that other guy too, but I can tell you don't want to go alone."

A small smile crept onto my face. Maybe tomorrow wouldn't be so bad. "Yeah, that would be great! Meet us at the boardwalk at 10:00!"

Peridot sent a smiley face in reply. "Night Lazuli!"

I put my phone down on my nightstand and burrowed back under the covers. I was excited for tomorrow.

A/N: Hey guys! Ruby here, well just a quick filler for the next chapter I have coming! I haven't updated in forever, so much has been going on with school and being sick. Unnecessary drama at school, ignorant ex-friends. I had an Upper Endoscopy done a while back and a heart scan. I got new medicine, but it doesn't seem to be helping much. Now on top of that, I caught the flu. -_- I honestly just remembered I hadn't updated in forever so I hope you guys enjoy this quick thing I threw together!


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