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mental health:

- vent your emotions, good and bad on paper with your prettiest most favourite pen and in a pretty journal/diary/notebook.

- give into guilty pressures that won't harm anyone. wanna watch mean girls for the 15th time this week? you do that! wanna listen to "staying alive"? you do you, if it makes you happy, and isn't harmful, it can't be that bad.

- at the end of a day, list every single productive thing you did that day.

- add your favorite scent into your bedding to make it even more refreshing to sleep in!

- make an effort to think about every single thing you like about something. like how green trees get after a good rain or how nice it is to breathe fresh air or how nice the cup of tea you are enjoying tastes.

- CRY if you need to. after the rain comes the rainbow. after the cry comes the relief. crying, like rain, is cleansing. its refreshing. do it if you need to. there is no guilt in it.

- remember that your fears make you braver. bravery is doing something even if you're scared.

- ignore the shitty people who ridicule and demean you. look at them with pity. they demean you because they feel they need to do it because they feel that they need that power. you don't feel that way, therefore, in theory, you'd be the more powerful in the situation. you do not need to belittle others to feel happy. you're awesome.

- wanna wear that sundress to school? wanna wear that daring wig or flower crown? DO IT! express yourself! be yourself! you're worth it.

- it's okay to look to fictional characters for comfort. if it helps it helps. 

- get away from negative people. 

- see your quirks as strengths. you're not a "weirdo" for being slightly different. don't let others belittle you for your differences to them. 

- try your best to get out of toxic relationships and environments. 

- if you can handle it, get a pet. if you want a pet. they really help with anxiety and depression they give me a reason to get through the day bc if i don't, how will kitty get by? im like her mama and she needs me and i need her.

- if something makes you feel uncomfortable, don't do it. 




- try your very best to get 8 hrs of sleep, even if you have trouble sleeping. sleep really helps your brain just kinda take a break from being a brain and it recharges you and revives you.

- get enough exercise. if you're stressed, just go for a run or do jumping jacks. it really helps me idk what i'd do without long walks or dancing for a hobby.


showers and bath time:

- if you can afford it and have headache problems and/or acne, try some Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap! i have acne prone skin and migraines and it did wonders. a precaution is that it tingles a little and it feels cold on your eyelids but no need to freak out, you'll smell like a peppermint cane and its lovely.

- if you're a shaver, shave in small, short strokes and you can use shampoo and/or conditioner as shave cream if you run out. also dry your razor to keep it from rusting and dulling!!

- put a drop of your favorite fragrance perfume oil in with your lotion to smell super duper fresh. i like lavender. 

- put coconut oil in your palms, add 1 drop of scent oil and rub it all over your hands then in your hair (only the bottoms if you're scared it might look oily) it makes it soft and healthy!

- use olive oil to remove makeup. it makes your skin soft. 

- wash that retainer before you put it in your mouth.


- sponges and dish clothes can be washed in with your white clothes. it keeps them fresh and clean so you don't have germs that can make you sick when you do the dishes.

- clean your keyboard with a wipe often

- and your phone, clean that with a wipe too

- just a simple squirt of soap in with a spray bottle of water can clean almost anything, especially if you add tea tree oil to the mix.

- if heart problems run in your family, buy fake salt (potassium salt)

- unsweetened yogurt can replace sour cream. they taste the same, only yogurt has a longer shelf life so you can save money.

- sleep in the nude honestly its so comfy

- please remove your makeup before bed bc it helps your skin breathe and helps you get better sleep bc you will feel so fresh.

- yogurt replacing milk in ur cereal makes it better like especially if you add sliced fruit and nuts.

- coconut milk + fruit + honey/syrup in porridge . its good

- if you like toast, try mashed avocado with whatever spices you like in it. i like hot sauce and pepper in mine. its healthier than butter toast, more flavourful and it keeps you full and nourishes you!

- try your best to get as much produce as you can. it really made an impact on how i felt mentally and physically. i feel more refreshed and well - fed.

- international markets have CHEAP fruits and veggies. load up, my friend!

- with all of the produce you bought, get ziplock and slice up the fruits and put them in the bags. then you'll have a pretty much instant smoothie! just blend it with juice or water or coconut milk and you have breakfast in seconds!

- if you like milk, go full fat. low fat milk is, in the long run, no better if not worse for you.

- try your best to pack what you want for lunch by making your own lunch. want a jar salad? get it. want to take homemade soup? get it! try to make time to make homemade meals and enjoy what you're eating.

- instead of meals, try snacks if you're that kind of person that likes snacks and not meals.

- drink 1 glass of water before bed so you wake up and you're not super dehydrated. drink 1 glass after waking up and at every meal. 

- carrots and cucumber and dip. enough said.

- don't skip meals!!! DONT DO IT!! its not gonna make you any healthier! just eat healthy food (homemade healthy food can be cheap. i budget my meals and ye). healthy food will help you gain fitness and health. not skipping meals that just makes you sick. 

( source:  catladykhaleesi )

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