Alone Time

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Anais's POV

(Also, I'm aging everyone up about 3 years so yeah, that'll make since in few chapters XD)

We came home and got situated in our house. We left dad at home so he could watch over the house, and Darwin was there because we didn't fully trust dad alone. Luckily the house was still in one piece when we returned anyway. They both greeted us and mom went over to dad to talk about our Chi Chi situation. Gumball and Darwin started to help the goat find his family but didn't find too much luck. Soon enough they were getting tired so they gave up for the day. I guess a long day of waiting at the hospital was pretty tiring so I came in to say goodnight as the boys were starting to doze off.

"Good night, guys" I said quietly but it somehow managed to wake them up a little.

"Night Anais" Darwin said hopping into bed. Gumball was too tired to answer so he just waved at me, on the other hand, Chi Chi sat at the edge of the bed looking sort of confused.

"Wait, where do I sleep?" He whispered. Darwin shrugged but tried to figure out if we had another free bed or something. I smirked at him and gestured over to Gumball. He seemed to catch on quickly and blushed a little. Darwin just went along with it and soon enough we were both watching him make the first move.

"G-Gumball?" He asked shyly. I decided it was time I left before it more it little more PG, so I quietly exited and let them sleep.

Chi Chi's POV

I shook Gumball slightly so he'd wake back up.


"Is it okay if I sleep here... with you?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" he replied groggily scooting over so I could fit in. I layed  down next to him and slightly embraced him in return. Darwin turned off the lights and went to his own bed somewhat annoyed by our taking. We almost started to speak again until we figured that he might've wanted some sleep. So I just looked at Gumball (kinda stalker-ish I'll admit but what can I say? He's cute!) and reached for his hand hoping I didn't seem to desperate. After what happened at the hospital today, I was starting to become more sure that he liked me to some degree, and that made me kinda happy to say the least. He held my hand as well an we both drifted off to sleep. Even though this was technically the second time we've 'slept together' this time felt different and more... real? That was satisfying I guess.


I woke up hugging Gumball which he happily returned- at least, I hope he was happy about it, but either way her returned it. He was still sleeping and still looked cute while doing it so I just left him there while I removed myself from the hug onto the floor. I walked downstairs and sat and got a glass of water. I felt bad taking their food and stuff so I waited until someone else came down to make sure it was okay if I ate something- and judging by how everyone was asleep right now, it might be a while until someone comes down.

I drank the water and thought to myself. I was starting to accept the fact that I might have a crush on him and was starting to be okay with it too, now I just wanted to know if he liked me back at all. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, especially after our history together and I really want to tell him why we started copying his family but I'm still afraid he'll hate me and think I was disgusting if I do, so I won't yet...

Gumball came downstairs not too long after me and asked me if I was okay. I nodded dispiritedly and looked at the half drank cup of water on the table.

"You don't seem okay" he said concerned. "What's wrong?"

Again, I couldn't get myself to tell him and I couldn't form any words. I shook my head in response which he wasn't pleased with so he grabbed my hand and asked me again.

"C'mon, Chi Chi... I know your not okay, just tell me what's wrong"

Something about thinking about how we used to live before we started copying them made be want to cry. We haven't really brought it up since the Wattersons became a part of our lives. It doesn't help that mom and dad don't even seem to care about that anymore, so I guess it shouldn't either. I tried to shake it off and pretend it was nothing but Gumball saw right threw me and knew something was wrong. I simply said I was thinking about my family and that it wasn't a big deal. He didn't seem to believe me all the way but took what he could get out of me and left that conversation alone.

"So do you want something to eat then?" He asked nicely. I nodded and we got started on making a breakfast together.

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