Saving the theatre 🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨

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Judith signed.
"Mr.Moon. We are planning to construct on this land" she angrily stated.

"But I have the money. I can save it." Buster grabbed her attention by mentioning how much his hands held.

"Fine fine!" She grabbed the payments and handed the keys back to Moon. She then walked off leaving both koalas alone.

"Hey... Erm... Thanks for helping me" Buster lightly chuckled nervously.

"Hey I'm glad I could help!" She gave him a toothed grin. She lent in for a hug with her arms outstretched.

Mr.Moon gratefully accepted and gave her a light smile. "If you want you can audition?" Buster questioned.

"Absolutely!" Both bears leaned in and shared a slow kiss. They released their hold after processing what had happened.

Moon glanced into the koalas eyes and touched his nose with hers.

"You would most likely win though!" Buster sighed but held her close to
His chest.
"Most likely" Kiqua laughed.

SING: lights camera action!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin