to say taehyung wasn't a bit frightened was a lie.

but he put himself in this mess to take his mind off things, so now he had to go through with it.

plus, it was a pain to get these jeans on, and he didn't feel like backing out now.

swallowing, he made his way to a corner where he could text namjoon, pushing past sweaty bodies and desperately attempting not to touch anyone in fear of initiating an awkward conversation.


where are you?


Oh lmao I forgoT TO TELL YOU HAHA


I'm at the bar :)))

mentally cursing, he fought his way back, searching for the older male. he spotted him, bleach-blonde hair slicked back as he winked not-so-subtley at the handsome bartender serving him.

"namjoon hyung," taehyung practically breathed out as he awkwardly fumbled into the shiny barstool next to him.

namjoon grinned at him, lips curling around a sherry glass. "so you came."

not like i had a choice. "it seemed like fun."

"told ya," he responded with a smirk, his slur more prominent now.

taehyung wondered how many drinks he had, and whether or notthey were just to see the pretty bartender.

"so whaddaya wanna drink? they got some stellar originals, man, i don't even know what I'm drinkin'." namjoon swirled the green liquid around for emphasis. taehyung bit his lip.

taehyung fiddled with his shirt collar. "i don't know much about alcohol, hyung."

"look at this, tae, they got soju from beijing here, isn't that cool?"

"hyung," he repeated.

namjoon turned to him, drunken smile still wide. "yes? taehyung?"

ducking his head, he mumbled, "i - i can't hold my alcohol very well, so i'd prefer if you didn't-"

"ohh!" namjoon said loudly, in realization. "tae's a lightweight!"

blushing, taehyung swatted at namjoon's arm. "namjoon!" he hissed, but the elder ignored him.

"yo, can i get a bottle of andong soju for my buddy over here?" namjoon yelled to the bartender, as taehyung's mouth dropped open. "need to get 'im a bit looser if we gonna have any fun tonight."

"andong? namjoon, that's so strong, i can't-"

"and you said you didn't know anythin' about alcohol," namjoon teased, smiling. taehyung's heart shook as he hid it behind his hand.

when the bartender came back with the slender white bottle, blushing at the practically illegal looks namjoon was giving him, namjoon snatched it off the counter and slid off the bar stool. "let's go find the others, yeah?" namjoon proclaimed, not really waiting for taehyung's answer. he followed at namjoon's heels, trying not to make eye contact with any of the waitresses with their tight-fitting clothing or any sordid-looking males with predatory smiles.

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