First Day!

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[POV: Mabel]

"....bel.....p"- Hey voice...can you leave me alone? Trying to get some sleep.
""- Nope, leave me alone, I know what your asking.
"Mab....ake....p!"- Go away! I'm having a good dream about---
"PANCAKES!!!!"- I said while sitting upright suddenly.
"........"- Aria and Amber seem to be staring at me in confusion. Well it's your fault, I was having a good dream about pancakes. I pouted at them.

"Onee-Chan, why wake me up so ear~ly?"- I asked sleepily while continuing to lay on her. Last night, I was supposed to be sleeping in a futon on the floor bu~t,
"Because your sleeping on me! How did you even get in my bed without noticing! And, school starts today!"- I would much rather prefer to use my new form to my greatest advantage. I hope you understand my imaginary friend.

"Huh.....School? Back to slee~p..."- I felt very comfortable on my Amber-pillow.
"Up you spoiled child! You have to go to!"- Ehhhhh? So she thinks she's gotten used to me eh? Well then, don't blame me for this sneak attack!
"Whawahwaagwgawha, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!"- Why, hugging your neck while rubbing cheeks together, you get embarrassed a little to easily don't you Amber-Nee? (AN: I was so tempted to put 'Nibbling on your neck' here, but....not now.....).

"Onee-Cha~n, I don't wanna go to school! I don't wanna!"- I threw a tantrum while hugging her tightly.
"Wha-what? Aria, can't you do something about this?!?!"- It seems Amber can't handle little kids to well, gotta bribe them with--
"Alright. Mabel, I will give you something sweet if you get ready for school!"--exactly that.

If I accept this, I won't be able to mess with Amber anymore....but if I don't accept this....I won't seem like a regular ten year old kid. And I can't say "I'm watching my calories" because well, I'm ten. What ten year old watches their weight?

"Sweets!!!! Ok!!! Time to get ready~."- I chose the chocolate. I can mess with Amber later, after all, I can basically get away with anything in a form as cute as this as long as I don't go over an invisible line called 'Morals'.

First thing I did was change from my one piece dress into the uniform given to me the other day, why does it fit so....perfectly? Ahhh! But my manly pride was hurt this morning too! Two beautiful girls changing in the same room as me and I didn't feel the slightest bit excited. I started poking at Amber's side in annoyance with not being able to enjoy this.....(AN: Just so you know, I'm trying really hard to get in the mind set of a pervert. It's kinda hard, I personally haven't felt this deadly sin called 'Lust'. So it's hard for me to make a perverted character....). Amber took my actions as annoyance at having to go to school.


I am, as of now, standing outside my classroom. I have to wait for the teacher to introduce me. The only thing I'm happy about right now, is that I'm in the same class as Amber and Lucas. And these classes are like Asian schools, the teachers move, you don't, unless it's for P.E. or some special elective. Which is much less of a hassle, yay for Asian's smart way of thinking! (AN: Like seriously, I have to run all over campus to get to my classes with a backpack that ways as much as me all day, my poor back...)

I wonder if I'll get the MC seat.....

"Class, I would like to introduce a new student. She is a little young, but she was personally allowed in by the Headmaster."- Oh, that's me, better not keep the teacher waiting.

I walked in, looking cute in the black and white uniform that looked kinda like uniform from Musaigen No Ph**tom Wo**d. Even with a skirt.....which hurt my manly pride more then having to wear women's undergarments......dumb random point distribution.....

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