That bastard had drank way too much of her blood, I was surprised she was still standing after all.

Hastily I tore my wrist open and planted it across her mouth but instead of drinking she fell down to the floor; I caught her head before it slammed into the tiles at last second. Kneeling down beside her I set my wrist against her mouth again but she was not moving.

I pressed my fingers against her artery but of course it was punctured by Evander's teeth so I tried on the other side, a very faint pulse that a human would probably have called dead, vibrated against my sensitive fingers.

Hastily I bit my wrist again and let the blood leak into her parted lips.

"Come on, drink," I mumbled.

There was no movement coming from her.

Not very often was I trying to keep a humans life, rather I was taking it.

"What is going on?", my head snapped up to see Flora standing in the doorway.

She must have unlocked the door with her magic. Well good I could use her.

"Here are clothes, get her dressed and when you're done I'll get her into her bed.", I instructed immediately.

Flora eyed the flimsy towel around Avery but wasted no time and got to work while I waited outside; once she was done she called me back inside and I scooped her up in my arms. 

She felt tiny and fragile, like something that would fall apart by a rough touch and yet she was so much stronger than that.

Her skin had begun to regain a more healthy color but she was still unconscious. Flora followed me to the room Avery had resided in before.

 While Flora drew back the comforter from the bed, I mustered her face closely and wished she would open her blue eyes, but they stayed close.

I was happy to hear that her heartbeat had picked up a faster pace meaning that her body had begun to produce more of her delicious blood, just why she didn't wake up was my question.

I knew I had to get away from her or Evander would spread word that I cared for her like a worried mother, something that would definitely not be good for my reputation of a cold heart.

I decided to let Flora take care of her.

"Stay with her until she awakens and get her what she needs," I instructed and she nodded her head.

I had to get away quickly before anyone raised suspicion why I was with her so long.
Well truthfully I had no idea why I had brought her into that shower in the first place.

"Ah Elían, you finally made it out of her chamber?" My face twisted as I turned around to meet Evander's glare but straightened it quickly before I was all the way around

"You see the whole vampiric world is flooded with rumors of how cold hearted the prince can be and how he will follow steps in his fathers iron court only much stronger." He snickered and went on ," All I've seen is how the ruthless prince is kind to a human 'girl' who should not be existing."

I tried to control the anger that tightened  my chest; if I released it now it would only confirm that he was right.

"What kindness?" I scoffed carelessly.

When Evander did not respond I stepped closer and breathed into his face,
"Me, don't know of any kindness."

And with that I was gone.

It was  true if something didn't go right I never showed mercy or kindness. When I went around the cities,every vampire that recognized me, would try to make conversation I pushed them  away mindlessly.

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