Chapter 2: Adventerous Kits

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I woke to find the whole Clan out and moving. I went out to see what was so important then noticed that the weather had changed. Greenleaf has come at last! I went to find my sister to play.

When I finally found her, she was sitting just outside the elders' den, listeing to a story by one of our elders, Yellowfire, and decided to lay next to her. Yellowfire's stories were always so cool and adventerous. He mustv'e been some cat when he was young!

When I sat, I noticed he was telling her the story of how he escaped the camp when he was a kit. When he got to the part when he had found a scrawny mouse outside the camp, and killed it, our eyes lit up. Kits couldn't leave the camp, let alone catch prey!

Icekit leaned into me, when Yellowfire was finally finished, telling us that he was stiff today, so he would rest. "Scarkit, I wanna leave the camp, just like Yellowfire did! He was so adventerous! It sounds like fun!" When she saw I was about to object, she yelled, "Please! We never get to do anything fun! Wer'e always stuck in this dumb camp," she ended with a pout. Then she changed to a sly smile, "Don't you want to have fun Scarkit?"

She knew my answer straight away. But I still didn't know if this was a good idea. What if we got caught. Though, I was very bored. "Fine! We have to be sneaky though. Let's escape through the dirtplace," I pointed to the dirtplace, a little hole at the far side of the camp, covered by ferns, and easily a wonderful escape route for rebellious kits like us.

We snuck across the camp, hid behind some bushes, and finally jumped into the dirtplace tunnel. We made it out into the forest without any cat questioning us. We were out! Kits only dreamt of this! But, now that we were out, what do we do now?

As if by coincidence, my sister shouted, "Race you to that tree over there!" while bolting through the trees.

I ran, almost catching up to her, thinking to myself how fun this was. Just when I was about to pass her, I heard a shriek and my sister was gone. Where is she!? I stopped dead, looking around. Then I saw her, doubled over in the moss, motionless.

I ran to her as fast as my paws would take me. "Icekit! What's happened?" I said while circlling her and cautiously sniffing.

"Scarkit...." I heard her breathlessly say.  "I think I'm okay. While i was running, I tripped on that bark over there," she pointed with a weak paw. "I may have twisted something. I don't think I can get up."

"I'll help you, don't worry," I said, while thinking to myself: Wer'e crow-food! Lilystar will definitely know we left now!

I helped her up, setting my tail on her shoulder to guide her. We trod through the forest, cautiously moving past the bark that tripped her. I wondered how that had gotten there in the first place. It had to have been recently put there, for if a cat had been on patrol they could have easily seen that and put it elsewhere so no other cat would trip.

When we limped through the dirtplace, the whole Clan stopped what they were doing to see my sister, preactically dragging herself through the camp. Wer'e dead, wer'e so dead.....

Then my mother ran up and saw the state Icekit was in. Her face was pale white instantly. "Icekit! Scarkit! Where have you been? What has happened? This couldn't have happened in the camp, I would have seen you! Where have you been?" She was now pacing around the camp, frantically sniffing around.

My sister seemed too tired and hurt to really care our mother was hyperventalating. "Honey, let me take you to the medicine cat," she was the cat I had heard the day I opened my eyes, the unfamiliar yet sweet voice.

I liked her. I immediately jumped to offerings. "I'll take her to the medicine cat! You look tired, let me do the honor," I said nervously.

"Fine, but both of you are going to have a stern lecture when your'e okay, Icekit. I'm telling Lilystar all of this, if she hasn't already figured it out."

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