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I see Caleb talking to woman when we return. She is older with black hair, from here I can see some gray hairs poking through. She has a kind smile, I see as he turns to leave she grabs his arm and thanks him. He smiles at her and runs to me.

"Hey Lia! How did the fishing go?"

"Good, how was the afternoon here?" I asked.

"Don't even get me started, Alex wants me to help him and the others guide the others. He saw me helping out, talking with them. Says that despite my age they look up to me. In my opinion it's because I'm connected to him. What do you think about that?"

I don't know what I think, I think Caleb would thrive. He is so kind, he honestly cares about the people here. He might be able to find out what's going on and inform us about the decisions.

I think about what Lee told me, how maybe Caleb could voice the assumptions he has. If they actually are worth bringing up, if they lead to anything. But do I want to drag Caleb into this mess of things that might not even be true?

"I think that if you feel you would benefit from it and it's something you want to do then do it. If you are looking for respect and authority you're not going to find it here," I suggested.

"No, I'm not. Sure it would be nice to be listened to once in a while but that's not my reason. I barely have a reason. He just asked me. And I think I would enjoy it, benefit from helping others."

"Okay, then I'll support you with whatever you're decision will be," I tell him.

"Thanks Amelia, it means a lot to me," He muttered. "Now let's go start the fire before the sun sets. You can tell me all about your afternoon."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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