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    Pitch black. I couldn't tell whether my eyes were open or not. I was either still sleeping or I was staring into a great abyss of darkness. A bright light flashes through my eyes for a couple seconds. Am I dead? I squint my eyes and blink repetitively. My vision clears up and focuses. The light dims a bit. I get up from the floor that I was just lying on. My eyes wander the room. Four walls, a ceiling, and a floor - all of them had a giant television screen on them, even the floor. There was nothing on, just that black and white grainy screen you see when you have no signal. It was quite creepy, my stomach churned. I walked up to a wall and knocked on the screen. I felt around the wall and look everywhere for a door or even a secret opening. I soon give up and go to a corner of the room. I lean back on the wall and slide down to the floor and hug my knees. My teeth chattered and my hands shook. Why am I here? I tug on my hair. Who am I? I scream at the fact that my mind kept going blank and end up with teary eyes.

    All of a sudden I hear a voice and my body spazzes out a bit, "Hello. You have been brought here for several reasons, one of which is to learn more about a good friend of yours - well he's supposed to be your friend." Letters start popping up one by one on the screen in front of me. Supposed to be my friend? I wait till the screen finishes typing. The screen read:


    Who the hell is Dylan Marcoux? "You'll find out soon enough," the voiceover answers, I jump. He heard that?! "I did... Goodbye."

    "Wait! How am I going to... Never mind, you're gone already," I sigh then continue hugging my knees. I look up - the screen still read the boy's name. Suddenly a video starts playing in first-person. It looks like an emergency room. I was looking through a baby's eyes. He looks up to his mother, who is holding him. She smiles. That must be Dylan as a baby. Another video pops up onto a different wall. A roughly six-year-old boy's eyes. He sees his mother and father signing these papers. It fast forwards. Dylan's playing with his toy ponies. Ring! Ring! These people, they come in and take him away... and his parents are just watching it happen! He didn't even get to bring any of his toys with him! All of a sudden, the video starts to move in different directions, he looks down at his hands. They were shaking. I look down at my own, they were shaking as well. His breathing patterns change. The video becomes blurry from tears. A six-year-old was having an anxiety attack.

    I turn around to another wall. It was six-year-old Dylan looking into a mirror every day until he's a teen, I'm guessing. It was like one of those fast growth videos, but every five seconds he's in a different room and he has a different bruise somewhere on his face. The frames start coming in slower when a boy comes in on him. The boy balls his hand into a fist and heads towards the camera. The video speeds up. I put my hands up to my face. I put them down in relief. I wasn't hit... but Dylan was. Where is he? Why was he there for so long? He can't be adopted, his new family wouldn't treat him like that. If he were in this condition for so long then he would be... he would be in foster care. He switched homes ten times already in about eight years. But why would they move him into so many different homes and how am I friends with him if he moves so much? That makes no sense. He wouldn't have the time to make good friends, let alone just a friend.

    A bright light from the center of a wall seeps through the dim room. I may not be dead right now but maybe I will be if I walk into the light ahaha... I hope that voiceover didn't hear that. "I did... Good one." I gasp then smile. I didn't expect him to say anything else.

    I walked into the light. It definitely wasn't heaven or hell. It was an odd shape for a room - it was like a triangular prism. It still had similar screens from the previous room. I heard something whoosh behind me. I averted my eyes towards the entrance I walked in from. The dark room was gone. The closed space was a bright white color. There was a small white podium in the center. I noticed color in the room, it was blue, sitting on top of the podium. I inch closer towards it. Nail polish? I look around the room again. "Hey, what am I supposed to do here?" I ask the voice. No answer. The screens did not play videos like in the previous room. I remained still for a couple more seconds, waiting for something to happen - nothing. What am I supposed to do? Just sit here? I walk towards one of the screens and bang it with my fist. Maybe it's broken? I bang on it once again but nothing happens. I stop wasting my time on a stupid screen and look back at the podium. The blue sparkly nail polish was still standing on the podium. My eyes wander around the room then I glance back at the blue object. Hm... I grab the nail polish off of the podium and spin the cap off. The pungent smell of it quickly fills up the room. I lean on the podium and slide down to the ground. The brush glides across my thumb and I could see tiny pieces of glitter in the blue nail polish. I continue painting the rest of my nails, once I was finished with one hand I lift my hand up and spread out my fingers. Some of the polish went on my cuticles. Aw man!

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