Misty mountains

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I sat silently in the living room. Thorin had yelled at me to go, saying I was a child and I wouldn't understand. I growled ever so slightly. He'd told me to wait and not to earwig on people's conversations.. I don't even know what that means..

Suddenly they all flooded in, crowding around the warm fire and humming lowly. It was rather soothing.. it reminded me of the hum of the rangers as they scouted the forest's back home..

And then thorin started to sing. "Far over.. the misty mountains cold.." he began, and the others slowly started to join in. I closed my eyes and listened. Letting their music fill my mind with images.

"2 dungeons deep.. and caverns old.. we must away.. our break of day.."

Images of the mountain slowly seeped into my mind. I imagined large rooms of gold, so high they touched the roof, elegant yet strong walls delicately carved into wonderful shapes and statues brooding, glaring intimidatingly at the people who passed. Black

"To find our long, forgotten home.. the pines were roaring o-haha-on the heights.. the winds were moaning i-hihihi-in the nights... "

I slowly I felt myself drifting off to sleep as I leaned back, imagining trees creaking under the winds strength and wind whistling through them.

"The fire was red, its flaming spread.."

Suddenly everything was engulfed with fire..

"Its trees like torches, blazed with light.."

And with those final words, I drifted off into my own little world of unconsciousness.

Gandalf's POV

I chuckled to myself as I saw ash curl up in the chair. I sat beside her and smiled.

"If she isn't awake by morning we're leaving her with the burglar" thorin said. "I will not be responsible for a child"

"I'll take responsibility for her. She's coming wether you like it or not" I replied. Thorin clicked his tongue and turned away. I slowly smoked from my pipe to calm my nerves.

~later the next day~

We rode along our trail. Ash had actually woken up before everyone and gotten the horses ready, thorin simply ignored that and carried on. It's a shame bilbo didn't come. But still, it seems ash is making good friends with Kili and Fili. The three of them are shoving each other around and yanking their hoods over each other as if they were sibling.

Suddenly there was shouting from behind us. "Wait!.. wait !!"

I turned my head to see bilbo. He had the contract in his hand and he was waving it around as he ran. I saw ash smile happily when she saw him.

He ran up to balin and handed it to him. "I signed it" he said.

Balin read quickly over the signatures and nodded.

"Everything seems to be in order.. welcome master baggins to the company of thorin oakenshield " he said as he folded it up and out it away, smiling at bilbo. Thorin rolled his eyes slightly.

"Give him a pony" he said. I saw bilbo's expression go pale.

"No, no, no, no, that­­that won't be necessary, thank you, but I­­I'm sure I can keep up on foot. I­­ I­­I've done my fair share of walking holidays, you know. I even got as far as Frogmorton once­­WAGH!" Bilbo yelled as he was picked up and put into a horse. I chuckled slightly.

No ones POV

A few minutes later Bilbo is riding the pony and looking quite terrified. The pony neighs and tosses its head, making him quite uncomfortable.. ash looks at him sympathetically and rides to his side.

"Come on, Nori, pay up. Go on." Oin said. Nori tosses a sack of money to Oin. Then sacks of money begin passing between the dwarves, one even gets to ash and she catches it.

"Thanks lads !" She yelled with a grin as some dwarves began to laugh.

Bilbo rode up beside Gandalf. "What's that about?" He asked. Gandalf looked down at his friend.

"Oh, they took wagers on whether or not you'd turn up. Most of them bet that you wouldn't." He replied.

"What did you think?" Bilbo asked curiously.

"Hmm.." there was a silent moment between the two. Suddenly Gandalf caught a sack of money tossed to him and puts it in his bag.

"My dear fellow, I never doubted you for a second." He said with a chuckle and a grin.

Suddenly bilbo sneezes loudly. "Ohh. All this horse hair, I'm having a reaction." Bilbo said as he began to root around his pocket for his handkerchief. Then he looked up in shock.

"No, no, wait, wait, stop! Stop! We have to turn around!" Bilbo yelled. The entire company comes to a halt, and the dwarves start objecting and asking what the problem is.

"What on earth is the matter?" Gandalf asked. "I forgot my handkerchief." Bilbo said. Gandalf rolled his eyes and looked away. Bofur teared a strip of cloth from his clothing and tossed it to Bilbo. "Here! Use this" he yelled.

Bilbo caught the rag and looked at it in disgust. The dwarves laugh and begin to continue their journey.

"Move on." Thorin said, losing his patience with their burglar.

"You'll have to manage without pocket­handkerchiefs and a good many other things, Bilbo Baggins, before we reach our journey's end. You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire, but home is now behind you; the world is ahead." Gandalf said. And with that they continued their journey.

Hey guys ! Thank you so much for reading ! I would especially like to thank my friend SoulEaterFanForLife for reading and voting on this story and motivating me to write the next chapter


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