Chapter 19- Crying & Planning

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Zoey's POV
I run home, crying the whole way. As soon as I get home, I slam the door behind me. I slide down the door and burst into even more tears.

 I slide down the door and burst into even more tears

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I can't believe that just happened. I lost my best friend. I can't believe how rude he was to me. I-I-I-I can't do this anymore.

Ricky comes running down the stairs.
"What happened Zoey?" he says, coming over to me, hugging me.
"Emery an-and I are-aren't friends anymore," I say through the tears.
"What happened? What did he do? I'll kill him," he says.
"It's too p-painful and h-hard to explain," I cry.
"I'm so sorry Zoey," he says, hugging me closer.
"This is all my fault. I never should have told you to do this. I-" Ricky says, but I cut him off.
"Ricky don't blame yourself. This has nothing to do with you," I say, wiping my tears.

My phone starts to ring.
I pull it out of my pocket and see it's Emery calling.
I cry even harder and throw my phone on the ground.

Emery's POV
Come on Zoey. Pick up. Please please please pick up Zoey.

"Hey it's Zoey. Sorry, I can't get to the phone right now. Leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks! Bye."

Shit, it's her voicemail.

"Zoey, whenever you get this please call me back. I didn't mean anything I said. I need you. Please Zoey. Please."

Zoey's POV
Ricky carries me upstairs and lays me down on my bed.

"I'll go make you some hot chocolate and bring up all of the candy we have," Ricky says, placing a box of tissues and my phone on my night stand.

He leaves my room, and I turn to my wall of pictures. They're mostly of Emery and I.

I have a lifetime of memories with Emery, and now I'm just throwing them away

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I have a lifetime of memories with Emery, and now I'm just throwing them away. You can even tell with these pictures, it's always been him. How was I so blind? Even when we were little we were meant to be.

"You know, I could take those down if you would like," Ricky says, reentering my room with a tray of hot chocolate and candy.
"No, I would at least like to remember the good memories with him," I say, turning around to face Ricky.
"Okay... but I won't talk to him anymore either," Ricky then says.
"Ricky, no. This doesn't have anything to do with you. I don't want to ruin your friendship with him too," I say.
"I could never be friends with someone who hurt my sister," Ricky says, lying down next to me and giving me a cup of hot chocolate.
"Please, Ricky, you're all he has left," I tell my brother.
"What-" Ricky starts.
"Maybe I'll explain it to you another time, but please do what I say," I beg him.

We spend the rest of the day laying in bed, until my parents get home. I had to play it off as if nothing happened, because I'm not supposed to see Emery while I'm grounded.

Emery's POV
I can't get in touch with Zoey, so I sit and write. I write everything I'm feeling.
The only good thing that came out of this is that it gave me the inspiration to finish my song.

•skip to the next morning•
I text Ricky.

Text Conversation:
Me: Ricky I need your help.
Ricky: I can't help you in any way, "bro." I can't believe what you did to Zoey.
Me: I didn't mean anything I said Ricky. Please I need your help to get her back.
Ricky: What do you mean "get her back"?
Me: I love Zoey, and I want her to be my girlfriend.
Me: I didn't mean anything I said to her. I was only trying to control myself. I couldn't even think straight when I saw the way she was dressed yesterday.
Me: Please Ricky. I have a way to get her back, and I know she'll love it.
Ricky: Fine, what is it?
Ricky: BTW I'm still gonna beat your ass for making her feel this way.

Chapter 19 Author's Note:
Thanks so much for reading. Please comment your favorite line, leave your overall comments below, vote, recommend, and follow for updates. Thank you, again.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION AHEAD: I love this book to death, and I'm sad to say it's coming to a close. The twentieth chapter will be the last chapter. But, I'm happy to announce there will be a second book, continuing this story. After chapter twenty, I will post a preview of the next book.
One more chapter to go!

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