Chapter 2- Silent Screaming

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Zoey's POV
Em and I drive to my house and park outside. He quickly gets out of the car and races to open my door. Emery never ceases to amaze me. Even through everything he has gone through, he is still a gentleman. And he is still my happy little Emerykat.

"Ma' lady" he says offering his hand for me to take.
"Why thank you kind sir." I say as I get out of the car and kiss his cheek.

I've been extra kind to Em lately because of all he's going through. I only just recently found out about his family's unreasonable outbreak of screaming, uncaring, and overall stupidness.

A few Saturday's ago, I was taking my afternoon jog, when I passed by Emery's house and heard something, well more like someone, or ones. I heard screaming and crying, then I saw something that broke my heart. I stopped in front of the house and peered up to the window in Emery's room and saw him crying. I will never be able to forget the expressions of sadness and discomfort on his face. I climbed the tree connected to the treehouse we used to play in a long time ago and knocked on his window. He turned his head and instantly put on a fake smile. But through that smile I could see something. He was screaming. No, not physically screaming, but emotionally and internally screaming. Silently screaming.
"Emery what's happening? What's wrong?" I said rubbing his arm after I went into his room, trying to soothe him and show him that he doesn't have to pretend with me.
"Nothing, Z. You should go." He said, his voice cracking.
"Em, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's happening and I help you." I said, not backing down.
"Zoey, seriously it's nothing." He said, not even looking me in the eye.
"Emery, you know you can't hide anything from me and there's nothing you can do to change my mind." I said, going closer to him.
"Zoey, please."
"Emery, please."
We sat on his bed and he explained everything to me. He told me how he doesn't know what occurred to make his parents act this way, and he just wants his family back. Through the whole terrible story, he looked me right in the eye. It seemed that he found comfort looking into my eyes.
After he finished his story we laid down on his bed. I hugged his side while he pretty much engulfed my whole body. I felt so bad for him. Having to go through things like this isn't easy. We stayed like that for a while.
Then he finally spoke up.
"Z, please don't tell anyone, not even Ricky. I just don't want anyone else to know. Please."
I nodded and put my head back on his chest.

After remembering that, I soon came back to reality, realizing that I was still kissing Emery's cheek. I pulled away to see him blushing. I'm glad to make my little Emerykat happy.

Chapter 2 Author's Note:
Thank you so much for reading. I know you all probably expected this chapter to be the sleepover, but I felt like it needed some more of a backstory. Next chapter will be for sure the dinner and sleepover at the Garcia's. Thanks again for reading. Please comment below and vote.

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