Saved By The Bothers

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it's been a week and he has not hurt me at all I hate this sicky sweet act I can't keep it up anymore ugh I hate this "PJ GET DOWN HERE THERE'S PEOPLE I WANT YOU TO MEET!!" Prince yelled at me from the living room he still has not told me his real name anyways I get done putting my make-up on and walk into the living room to see two guys in there 20's early 30's talking with Prince man I have this feeling I've seen those guys before "PJ! There you are!" Prince said with a big smile I faked a smile and sat down next to him "guys this is my lovely PJ" he said kissing my cheek I wanted to slap him but I didn't I fake smiled and said hello "I"m Sam" the guy with longer hair said "i'm his brother Dean" "oh brother's? That's cool" I smiled we all talked for a long time "I'm sorry this may seem rude but do I know you two?" I just had to ask "hey Sam do you thin-" "Wolfie??" Sam cut his brother off I gasp "I haven't been called that for years" I say shock "PJ it's us remember!" They said together I started thinking then it hit me I stood up" SAMMY DEANNY!!" I yelled before I jumped on them "it's been so long how's you're old man kid?" Dean asked my face turned sad "dad and mum died they got shot..." "I'm so sorry PJ" Sam said hugging me "i-it's okay they did it for me it was a school shoting and they had just came to pick me up when it happened they stood infant of me so I didn't get shot..." my eyes started to water up I just smiled "how's you're old man?" "Still out and about haunting like always" we all laughed but Prince he looked at us weirdly "my dad worked with their dad when I was a kid" I told him "oh okay" was all he said me and Dean and Sam talked for a long time before they had to leave "BYE YOU TWO TAKE CARE YOU IDIOTS" I yell at them from the door Prince standing next to me "HEY WHO YOU CALLIN' IDIOTS WE SAVED YOU'RE LIFE COUNTLESS TIMES" Dean yelled back I just rolled my eyes and laugh and shut the door "I really missed them" I laughed then the next thing I know I'm pinned to the wall by Prince "what the fuck man?!" I yell in his face "you like Sam don't you?" He said "I like both of them their good guy's" I say I knew what he meant tho "don't be a smartass" he said holding me tighter I just smiled he was so mad "I swear to God PJ if you don't tell me what I want to hear I will kill yo-" just then the door opened and Dean walked in "um sorry I forgot my phone..." he walked to the living room and grabbed it Prince let me go I ran up to Dean and hugged him "please save me he kiddnaped me Dean please help" I whispered in his ear "me and Sam will be back at midnight okay? Be ready" he said letting me go and left I looked at Prince and went up to our room and locked the door


Me and Prince went to bed at 10 I got a bit of sleep before I woke up and waited for Sam and Dean "shit my phone.." I walk into the living room and grab it just then the door opens to Sam and Dean I sigh and ran to them "where's he at?" "He's asleep I locked the door" I sighed "can we please go?" "Yeah c'mon kid time to go home" Dean smiled at me I smiled back we locked the door and got in the car AKA Dean's baby he love's that car WAY to much I'm sitting in the back with Sam my head laying on his lap "get some sleep okay?" Sam whispered in my ear I just nodded lightly before I fell asleep listening to Sam and Dean talk about me

~~<hahaha how's it going bros my name is Kalynn (watched WAY to much Pewds today XD) so sorry it's so short I'm going to the doctors in the morning and my family had a party for the super bowl 5 kids at you're feet all night is to much for a moody teenager haha so I hope you guys like SAMMY AND DEAN HELL YEAH just love them haha if you don't like them in this story I'll do some other people Kay?>~~

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