I hated saying this, but I liked Rowan.

He wasn't afraid of anyone. Not me, and surprisingly, not Viviana. He treated her like he treated a dear sister. Same with Tatiana. He didn't take shit from anyone. He liked things to be relaxed and calm, kind of like me. A world of drama was not a world for us. But, he didn't mind listening to people talk. In fact, he enjoyed hearing stories from other people. I'm pretty sure he chronicled them, because I'd been to his room once, and there were quite a few leather bound journals in there, piled up on his writing desk and stuffed in a bookcase that ranged from things like Edgar Poe to Danielle Steele.

Not that Danielle Steele was my thing. A little too chicky for me.

Rowan didn't give a shit. He liked reading.

He also liked music. And I'm not talking classical shit, despite the fancy way he dressed and carried himself. He liked rap, he liked hip hop, he liked metal, and punk rock. He liked the discussion of social issues, of defying social rules.

He was a rebel with class.

And I hated that he was wedging himself under my skin like this.

Tatiana was no different. She was a tough female, but she was female and she was proud. She dressed that way too; flashed skin without shame, did her make up anyway she felt like it. She shaved her head because she said she was too lazy to tame her tight curly locks. She didn't put up with bullshit, especially from males. If you made a tit joke, she'd punch you, well, right in the tit. If you told her to make you a sandwich, she'd make you choke on your own tongue.

But she wasn't aggressive. She wasn't up in your face about how shitty of a person you were. Nah, she was assertive. She was confident, she was classy, but quirky and unique. She loved movies, had seen every single one in the castle, could give you facts about the making, about the directors, and actors. She rewatched movies without complaint. She also loved working out. She ran the track, swam laps, and sparred with anyone who had the balls to take her on. MMA was her game.

She was a prideful female and she didn't let anyone forget it.

And, again, I hated that she was working her way past my defenses.

She and Rowan were not my friends. They were just guards to make sure I stayed in my place. They made sure I didn't leave the castle and that none of the other shadows jumped me like Simon had made the mistake of doing. They kept an eye on me and reported to Viviana.

They were just babysitters.

Really fun babysitters.

"Can I help you?" I asked drolly as I wrapped my towel around my waist. Rowan looked up, not blinking twice at the sight of me mostly naked.

"Just dropped by to see how your night went," he responded coolly, lowering his arm to rest on the chair. I frowned a little.

He'd done that yesterday too. Asking me how my night went.

Normally, I'd say full of night terrors, waking up paralyzed and laying there for a couple hours trying to tell myself that it was just nightmares and everything was over now, time to get back to reality. That's how it had been for the past year. Ever since Xiphrus had come back, the nightmares returned. Because that's what he was. A fucking nightmare.

But for the first time in a year, I woke up feeling good. No nightmares. No sleep paralysis. No panic attack. Just waking up, getting showered, having enough breakfast burritos to put Taco Bell out of business. It was... nice.

But totally suspicious. I mean what the fuck are the chances of me not having all of that nightmare shit upon arriving here? Nah, Viviana had done something. I had no idea what, but she'd done something. She probably got in my head somehow, cleaned things up a little, tucked it all back in a padlocked safe, then she'd probably convince me that my being here was a good thing, that I was feeling good here and I should stay forever and ever and join her little clan of shadowy misfits.

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