Chapter 10: Oh Veronica

Start from the beginning

Then an idea came to my mind, I had some bobby pins in my bag. The gleaming small hairpieces are in the front pocket. I pull the the pins out of the bag.

Placing the small hairpiece into the lock, I gently twist and turn it.


I unlocked it!

I quietly turn the doorknob, and I had success. The door quietly creaked open, and I smile.

My heart raced as I poked my head outside the two tall doors, there were some lamps on but that was all. Down the hall, Bill's door was closed with no lights on.

I slink out the door, and gently close the door behind me, hearing a small click of the latch. Relief took over my senses, as I got out.

I began to quietly walk down the corridor, aware to my surrounding. The corridor was filled with shadows, the small lamps shown a dim light. I stayed near the walls, my finger began to trace the wall.

I needed to find a door and get out of here. My pace quickened as I find my way to the end of the corridor, I was at the top of the stairs.

I place myself on the top of the rail of the master staircase, and I slide down the long pole. My hands began to hurt as I got closer to the end.

My feet hit the soft ground of carpet as I finish going down the rail. My hands were a little red from the railing, I began to massage my hands.

The eerie silence sort of scared me....

Tap tap......tap tap......tap tap

I could hear some small sounds down here, no wonder I stayed upstairs. Some small footsteps could be heard....

I look around the dark room, with some fear in my eyes. My small body begins to shake as I look around the dark room, and I pull out my phone.

The brightness of the phone illuminated my face, and I switch on the flashlight. The small light lit up the room quickly.

The room was a dark gold and black, the carpet had brick designs every which way. A small light could be seen down one of the corridors, it might lead to the front door!

I quickly jog down that corridor, and I became more cautious as I turned the corner.

My hand begins to trace the dark colored wall as I walk down the dark corridor. The flickering light above me was a dim yellow color, and it lit up the room a little better. More side tables and lamps were on the sides of the hallway. My pace begins to speed up as I could see a door at the end.

A sigh of relief escapes my lips, as I see the dark stained glass next to it.

I heard a whisper from behind me; I turn around to find no one. Then more begin to start, saying some things. My head starts to spin but then...

I begin to walk faster and faster, the end of the hallway comes closer to me. It was finally here; the exit. My hearts pace quickened.....but then it drops.


My eyes widen as I see heart begins to pound in my little chest. I thought it was over but it wasn't.....unless I run away...

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