*30 minutes later*

The priest, before moving unto the next part, asked

"Does anybody have a reason why they shouldnt get married, if you do say so now or never speak for the rest of your life"

It was silent after awhile until shockingly haley said:

"I do!"

All eyes were on her as she came to stand infront of us, but not all the way on the altar.

"Haley, what are you doing?" I asked her.

"Im sorry isabella but i have to tell you this i cant keep it a secret anymore!" She said.

"Say it" i said.

"Well about a month ago i was out with one of marcells friend and they told me that he had cheated on you with ana" she said and i couldnt believe my ears.

"Haley i cant believe you!" Marcell yelled.

"No i cant believe you!" I said. Everyone was gasping and murmuring things.

"Well you wanna know why your last boyfriend dumped you? Because this girl" he said getting down and over to haley, "slept with him."

She slapped him and turned to look at me.

"That is a complete lie! I never slept with him! I would never do that to you! Youre my best friend and i would never do that to a best friend!" She said. I got down and looked at both of them.

"I dont know who to believe, someone who never told me about this or someone who blatantly lied to me and forced me to get married with him" i said and i knew this was my time to leave and go with michael. Next thing i knew i was running towards the exit and all i heard were muffled voices calling out to me, i just kept running. I got in the car and told the driver to take me to airport.

We got to the airport and i took off running! I ran like ive never ran before! I think i did more running right now than i ever did in PE!

I let my hair out of the bun so i wouldnt look so much like a bride. I went everywhere looking for him, i knew he would take a private jet and i didnt know where those would be at. I asked everyone until someone told me where theh were at. I ran as fast as i could.

I looked at the clock and i only had 2 minutes to get to where they were so i took off my heels and dress. Fuck! I was half nude running around trying to find michael jackson!

As i was running time was running...out! People were looking at me like i was crazy! I didnt really care though i wanted to get to michael!

I finally got to where they were but the stupid security people wouldnt let me in! Out of the corner of my eye i saw someone going in, it was the last person so i thought if i yelled michaels name he would tell michael i was calling for him. So i yelled out his name!

"MICHAEL! MICHAEL!" I kept yelling until i saw michael coming out. He saw me and he came running towards me.

"Let her in! She is leaving with me!" He told the security guys and they looked at him like he was crazy!

"Looking like tht?" They said and i snapped.

"Listen you werent the ones getting married by force and find out you got cheated on! So shut up and let me go!" I said. They let me go and michael took me to the plane.

When we got in everyone stared at me with their jaws on the floor.

"I dont feel comfortable" i whispered to michael so he dragged me to the back and gave me a blanket. I wrapped around myself and sat down. He sat down beside me.

* 5 hours later*

We arrived in new york and went straight to the hotel michael tried to avoid talking about what happened and he would shake his brothers questions off.

As michael and i got to his room i asked,

"Are you ok with me sharing a room with you?"

"Yes of course! Why? Are you not comfortable?" He asked.

"No i dont mind it, i was just wondering. Are your parents ok with this?" I asked.

"They wont be on this trip so they dont need to know." He said and we got inside.

He grabbed my hand and spun me around and kisse me! I really needed that! He pulled away.

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

"I dont know, im so glad you are with me!" He said. We went to the bedroom and i sat down on the bed.

"Michael?" I asked.

"Yes?" He said.

"Do you think my parents are mad cuz i left?"

"I dont know they might be worried" he said and he sat next to me. "You look so pretty with your hair down."

I blushed.

"Kiss me" i said. He kissed me and the kiss started getting more intense by the minute.

He layed me down on the bed and got on top of me. He started kissing me all over and i ran my hands to the button on his shirt and started to unbutton it.

"Wait!" He said pulling back.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you sure you want me to do this? I dont want you to regret anything later on" he said.

"I dont care i just want you to be mine and i want to be yours...forever." I said. He strted kissing me again.

"For..ev..er!" He said in between kisses. I finished unbuttoning and then he started taking my lingerie off. "You know for someone who didnt want to get married to a guy you are wearing pretty sexy underwear."

"I know" i said. I unbuttoned his pants and he was about to take my bottom have of the lingerie when i stopped him. "Michael, ive never done this. This will be my first time."

"Really?" He asked. I nodded. "Good cuz this will be my first time as well."

I smiled and we kept going.

Then i felt his tip at my entrance and he was slowly trying to break into me. I shrieked since i was...tight. He looked at me immediatly.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"Im fine" i said. IT HURT!

I eventually got used to him and i made love to the best man! I just hope i didnt make a mistake.

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