Chapter 2

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Flint reached into his left pocket taking out his phone and answering it "uh, hello?" A mysterious agitated voice spoke "yes h-hello, um..... I don't know if I got the right number, is this um...... Flint? The private investigator?". Flint rolled his eyes but slowly grinned as he realised his day just got a little more interesting "yes, yes this is Flint, now what are you calling for?" The voice hesitated for a moment before speaking "oh y-yes I was wondering..... Can we meet in person? I don't like talking about situations like this over the phone..... C-can you meet me at Sam's sandwich shop?".

Flint smiled brightly hearing the name of his favourite place in the town "alright, I'll see you there in a few, goodbye" just as he hangs up two teenage boys charge past him nearly knocking him over. Flint growled as he glanced at the two teens, both were wearing gas masks and seemed to be in a hurry charging through the crowd of people.  "Oh god, looks like I just ran into my little fan club....." Flint mumbled to himself as he turned around and headed for Sam's sandwich shop to meet the mysterious caller, "well time to meet my potential client" Flint groaned as the shop came into view.

Flint opened the door and made his way inside the shop which was like a mini café with tables, waitresses and the likes, he quickly looked around for anyone that could be his potential client and his glance stopped at a woman sitting quite anxiously and looked worried. Flint slowly approached the woman "are you the one who called a few minutes ago? The one looking for the P.I?" The woman quickly turned to face Flint, her hair covering her right eye but it was obvious she was trying to cover up a bruise "y-yes.... That's me..... Then that means y-you're Flint correct?" Flint nodded and sat down "now before we get started let me guess, you want me to tail you to your home and take pictures for evidence of domestic abuse from your husband, boyfriend or lover?".

The woman looked at him shocked and shook her head "n-no..... Nothing like that..... Y-you see my son..... He's gone missing well..... Not really, I think he ran off to join those damned hoodlums that call themselves--" "the children of flame?" Flint said as he cut off the woman "alright so you want me to go see if your son has joined them and try and convince him to go home?" The woman nodded slowly "sorry I know it seems like a stupid matter but..... His father won't bother, he's always out drinking and is never home...... And when he is.... Well you can tell....".

The woman looked at Flint as tears began swelling in her eyes. "Alright I'll go look for your son miss, and just as a bonus I'll have a chat with your husband" Flint said in a serious tone "b-but I don't have enough money today for all of tha--" Flint smiled and cut her off again "you get a discount lets say seventy five percent off the usual price and I'll throw in the husband talk for free, deal?"  The woman nodded with a smile "thank you Flint.... I'll get the money to you once my son comes home.....oh and his name is Shawn" she stood up and left the store wiping the tears from her face.

Flint stood up and groaned slightly "God damn it Flint, why did you do that? Now I'm only getting paid ninety five bucks for finding her dumbass son and 'talking' with her husband" he sighed as he left the shop "well might as well get this over with...... Let's go for the kid first and I'll get the husband tonight" he casually began walking back down the street towards some apartment taking out his phone and ringing someone.

"Hey man I'm coming up, be there in five minutes, get the place cleaned up or I swear I'll backhand you out a window" Flint laughed as he hung up his phone and stuffed it back in his pocket "time for a little friendly visit" he quickly jumped up two steps leading to an apartment building, pressed the buzzer and walked in as the door opened.

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